The Authority Of Jesus

Devotional Image
July 4, 2022



Authority! The very idea of authority can make some people react against it. We don't like being told what to do!

Jesus was often challenged about the things he did or said. People in the time of Jesus, just as in our time had a very negative view of authority.

However, wherever Jesus went people just had to recognise that there was an aura of authority about him. When Jesus taught the people they listened to his words because he spoke as one who had authority(Luke 4:32)

Jesus showed by his miraculous power that he had authority to forgive sin (Matthew 9:6). We find that with his authority even the winds and the waves on Galilee obeyed him (Mark 4:39 - 41). And he gave his twelve apostles power over unclean spirits to cast them out and heal people (Matthew 10:1). After his resurrection he said that all authority belonged to him and that he sent his church to take the gospel to all the world.

Now all of this is of real importance for us. Because Jesus Christ has such authority we must take his words seriously — they are for us. Remember he has the authority and power to forgive our sins. He also sends us out to tell others that he can do that for them too. Thank God for the authority of Jesus.


Dear Lord, I bow before your authority. Help me to obey you. Amen.

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