What's For Tea?

Devotional Image
March 4, 2022



I'm sure we have often heard that question asked "Mum, what's for tea?". Well, Mum usually knew quite well what she was planning to give her children for their meal.

The story we read in Matthew 14:13-21 tells us of a big problem; there were more than 5000 hungry people and only five little loaves and two small fish to feed them with. How could it be done?

Well, of course, it would have been absolutely impossible but for the fact that Jesus was there and he took command of the situation. He took the loaves and the fish and he looked up to heaven and said a blessing, and then broke and divided the loaves and gave them to his disciples who served the meal to the thousands of guests. And we read "They all ate and were satisfied" and there were "twelve baskets full of the broken pieces left over".

This miraculous meal showed the real compassion Jesus had for all these people as well as his divine power to multiply the little amount of food so that such a crowd could be satisfied. This miracle, as well as all the others Jesus did, is told to us so that we 'may believe that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God and that by believing you may have life in his name.' (John 20:31)


Dear Lord Jesus, I do believe you are the Christ, the Son of God. Help me to be fully satisfied with you and your great salvation. Amen