Salvation according to scripture alone: 2 Timothy 3v14-17

Glorious Salvation - Part 1


Jonny Grant

May 7, 2017



Glorious Salvation\r\n- \'Salvation according to scripture alone\': 2 Timothy 3v14-17\r\n\r\nReformation Day\r\n\'Salvation is according to scripture alone, in Christ alone, by grace alone, through faith alone, for the glory of God alone.\'\r\n\r\nScripture Alone\r\n‘Your imperial Majesty and your Lordships demand a simple answer. Here it is, plain and straight. Unless I am convicted of error by the scriptures...I cannot and will not recant anything. On this I take my stand I can do no other. God help me. Amen.’ Martin Luther\r\n\r\nThe Source of Scripture\r\n - All Scripture\r\n- God Breathed\r\n\'(God) spoke his words through their words using their different personalities and style in such a way that their words were simultaneously his.\' John Stott\r\n\r\nThe Purpose of Scripture\r\n- Salvation\r\n\'The Bible, then is not a collection of fables or fictional stories that give us insights on how to find God and live right. Rather, it is both true history and a unified story about how God came to find us in the person of Jesus Christ, who died in our place so we could be saved by grace through faith and live with him forever in a remade world the Garden-City of God...the bible is not primarily about us and what we should do. It is first and foremost about Jesus and what he has done.\' Tim Keller.\r\n- Sanctification\r\n\r\nThe Response to Scripture\r\n- Authority\r\n- Sufficiency\r\n\'Let this then be a sure axiom: that nothing ought to be admitted in the church as the word of God, save that which is contained, first in the Law and the prophets, and secondly in the writings of ten Apostles; and that there be no other method of teaching in the church than according to the prescribed rule of his word.’ John Calvin\r\n- Humility\r\n\'The word of God is certain and can never fail. It is clear, and will never leave us in darkness. It teaches it’s own truth. It arises and irradiates the soul of man with full salvation and grace. It gives the soul sure comfort in God. It humbles it, so that it loses and indeed condemns itself and lays hold of God.’ Ulrich Zwingli

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