In Christ alone: Galatians 1v3-9

Glorious Salvation - Part 2


Jonny Grant

May 14, 2017



Glorious Salvation\r\n- In Christ alone: Galatians 1v3-9\r\n\r\nGuaranteed Salvation\r\nChrist + ? = Salvation\r\n‘Through Christ alone we are given salvation, blessedness, grace, pardon and all that makes us in any way worthy in the sight of a righteous God.’ \r\nUlrich Zwingly\r\n\r\nChrist plus works\r\nSalvation is according to scripture alone, in Christ alone, by grace alone, through faith alone, for the glory of God alone.\r\n\r\nThe need for Christ alone\r\n- Sinful nature\r\n‘The problem of our sin goes as deep in us as it possibly can: all the way down into our hearts, shaping what we want and love. As a result, we never naturally want God. We freely chose to do the things we want – but left to ourselves we shall never freely chose God, because we do not naturally want him.’\r\n- God\'s Wrath\r\n\r\nThe sacrifice of Christ alone\r\n- Sin for Us\r\n‘All the weight of the matter stands on this word ‘for us’. For Christ is innocent as concerning his own person...(but Christ) bears all the sins of all men in His body – not that he is guilty of any, but that he received them, being committed or done by us, and laid them on his own body...we must know him to be wrapped in our sins, in our curse, in our death, and in all our evils, as he is wrapped in our flesh and blood. What ever sins I, you, or we all have done or shall do hereafter, they are Christ’s own sins, or else we would\r\nperish forever.’ \r\n\r\n\'Our most merciful Father, seeing us to be oppressed and overwhelmed with the curse of the law, and that we could never be delivered from it of our own power, sent His only Son into the world and laid upon Him all the sins of all men saying: be thou Peter that denier; Paul that persecutor and cruel oppressor; David that adulterer; that sinner who did eat the fruit in Eden; that thief who hanged upon the cross, and be Thou that person who has committed the sins of all men; see therefore, that thou pay and satisfy for them.’ Martin Luther (Commentary on Galatians)\r\n\r\n- Cursed for Us\r\n\'Let us receive this most sweet doctrine, so full of comfort, with thanksgiving and with assured faith, which teaches that Christ being made a curse for us (that is a sinner under the wrath of God), put upon Himself our person, and laid our sins on His own shoulders, saying I have committed the sins which all men have committed...Because He had taken upon Himself our sins, not by constraint, but of His own good will, it pleased Him to bear the punishment and wrath of God not for His own person, but for our person.\r\nSo, making a happy exchange with us, he took upon Himself our sinful person, and gave unto us His innocent and Victorious person; wherewith we being now clothed are freed from the curse of the law.’\r\n\r\nThe rewards through Christ alone\r\n- Children of God\r\n- Heirs of God

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