Future Investment Luke 16v19-31

Surprising Salvation - Luke - Part 12


Jonny Grant

Dec. 3, 2017



Surprising salvation\r\n- Future Investment Luke 16v19-31\r\n\r\nMoney!\r\n\r\nTwo Kinds of People\r\n- The Rich\r\n- The Poor\r\n- Spiritual Condition\r\n\r\n‘A persons economic condition has the potential to help or hinder them when it comes to having the Spiritual characteristics that God values and rewards.’ Mike McKinley \r\n\r\nTwo Ways to Live\r\n- The way of Faith\r\n- The Way of Self\r\n (i) No genuine desire to repent\r\n (ii) No practical love for the poor \r\nReligion that God our father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress...’ James 1v27\r\n‘Children of this world (who live for self) ruthlessly manage their resources to secure their future. Children of God (who live by faith) graciously manage their resources because their future is already secure.’ Stephen Um\r\nTwo Eternal Destinies\r\n- Heaven - eternal pleasures\r\n- Hell - eternal suffering\r\n (i) Conscious reality\r\n (ii) Unending suffering\r\n (iii) Eternal separation\r\n\r\nMoney Matters!

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