Getting Rich, Being Rich - James 4v13-5v6

Authentic Christianity - James - Part 8


Jonny Grant

June 10, 2018



The Desire for money – those who want wealth\r\n- We do not control the future\r\n- We do not live forever\r\n- We need to live with God’s priorities\r\n\r\n‘For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.’ 1 Timothy 6v10\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nThe Danger of Riches – Those who have wealth\r\n- Wasteful hoarders\r\n- Greedy oppressors\r\n- Selfish extravagance\r\n\r\n‘If a person claims to be a Christian, is aware of the acute physical needs of desperately poor believers at home or abroad, is in any position to help, but never does a single thing except to wish them well, that person’s inaction disproves his or her profession of faith.’\r\n\r\nCraig Blomberg\r\n\r\n\r\nThe poor and rich need Christ\r\n- Proverbs 30v8-9

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