Eden, The Promise and Jesus

Easter 2021 - Part 2

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Adam Wingrove

April 4, 2021
Easter 2021


Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt.

[0:00] Good morning and happy Easter. My name is Adam Wingrove and so I wanted to talk to you about the Garden of Eden and I know what you're thinking. Adam, it's Easter Sunday. Why are we looking at Genesis? I've been asking myself the very same question the last few days trying to write this sermon. But I think we need to look at where it all began in Genesis. It's a story most of us will be familiar with. God created Eden and Adam and Eve. God gave them everything and they were in God's presence and in his blessing with only one condition. Don't eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. And we know Adam and Eve fell for the temptation and ate the forbidden fruit. We start to see God's character come through where he is full of love and compassion for his beloved creation. In the call of the evening both Adam and Eve heard God walking and hid because of their nakedness, shame and guilt. God's voice is calling out to them, where are you? Who told you you were naked? Which I think just shows the character and love of God that even in our sin, shame and disobedience, he is still searching and calling out for us.

[1:14] Now I don't know about you, I can sometimes relate to that feeling of needing to hide. But it is good to know that God still wants us even in our worst place. Now to my point of why I'm starting in Genesis. Even here God speaks out his plan. He cursed the snake and said that Eve's descendants will crush the snake's head and that the snake will strike his heel. Even here God is talking about victory over Satan. Jesus's death and resurrection is the foot on the head of the snake.

[1:49] God had a plan to save you from the beginning of sin. Ever since the fall, God has been trying to reconnect his people and they repeatedly turn away from him. We can read in the Old Testament that the high priest would enter into the Holy of Holies and make a sacrifice on behalf of the Israel so God would forgive their sins. Only the high priest could go behind the curtain into the Holy of Holies where God's presence dwelled. And this was only once a year, on the Day of Atonement. He had a rope tied round his waist, bells attached to him, so that just in case he died he could get pulled out without anyone entering into God's presence. Even with these sacrifices being made, it wasn't enough.

[2:36] Jesus became both the high priest and the sacrifice by being blameless, sacrificing himself by dying on the cross. God had a plan to save you from the beginning of sin. We jump into the New Testament and God brings Jesus into the picture as human. He brings himself fully God and fully human, with the intent to die on the cross to cover the sins of those he loved ever since the beginning. Just as the snake tricked Adam and Eve, the same lies are spoken over me and you, where we have sinned, filling us with guilt and shame.

[3:14] And so we hide. We hide from God and we hide from his blessing and more importantly, we hide from his presence. Satan is jealous and wants to keep us from God. However, it is God who has the victory over Satan because he conquered death. God had a plan to save you from the beginning of sin. When we hide, God is asking, where are you? Who told you you were naked? Because the victory over sin that has been spoken over generation after generation of sinners is ours to take hold of today. He said it is finished and we are free and we need to cry out in the praise for God's goodness and mercy has broken our chains and called us into salvation. So this Easter Sunday, we celebrate, we worship and we thank God for his master plan of redemption. As we head into Monday and the rest of the week, let us walk with the salvation that God died to give us. In this year of national crisis that we have faced, there has been huge losses. On this Easter Sunday, we can rely on the hope that Christ offers. God's consistent love he has for us. God's plan to save you from the beginning of sin. God has a heart which is longing to be with you just as you are. And so my challenge for you today, God accepts just, God accepts us just as we are with all of our faults too. Maybe you're in a good place with God and so this Easter Sunday, maybe reach out to someone on your heart and share the same love God has loved you with. Maybe this year has been hard for you and you can't take it anymore. Jesus has his arms wide open. He has seen your hurt and pain and he welcomed you with a hug of embracing. No matter where you are or whatever circumstance, just come because God has a plan to save you from the beginning of sin. If you don't know Jesus and want to have a relationship with him or you already know him and you want to make afresh your relationship with God, then let's say this prayer together. Lord Jesus, I am sorry for the things I have done wrong in my life. Please forgive me. I now turn from everything that is wrong. Thank you that you died on the cross for me so that I could be forgiven and set free. Thank you that you offer me forgiveness and the gift of your Holy Spirit to be with me forever. Thank you, Lord Jesus. Amen.

[6:10] If you would like to get connected or would like some further prayer, please do contact the church office and they'll be able to pass all details onto the right people. Thank you for listening and I pray that you will have a blessed and joyous Easter Sunday. Amen.