[0:00] Morning everyone. Morning Jess. Good morning Clive. I love this reading. There are so many layers to it and it's really relatable and I'm going to explain why. So we hear that Jesus had just left Judea and returned to Galilee. But why? As it happens, the disciples, disciples, John, Jesus, they were baptizing people. But the Pharisees did not like it one bit.
[0:34] They were getting their knickers right in a tits. And they were being, they were trying to really disrupt what was happening. They were trying to put a dampener on it. In fact, it got to the point when they said, hey guys, to the town, you know Jesus and his disciples have baptized more than John, right? Oh, it's not good. It's not good what's happening. He was trying to create his harmony.
[0:57] So that's why Jesus said, come on guys, let's leave John to his ministry and let's go. So why is this relatable? Well, let me ask you, have you ever tried to do something good and someone just has to find fault in it? Steal your joy, your thunder. Can anyone relate to that?
[1:19] Or have you ever been so distracted, so tired, you just need a jolly good sit down? Well, because that's certainly me. And how about when you least expect it, one door closes and another door opens?
[1:38] So we hear Jesus has gone on his journey. He gets tired. He needs to rest. I can relate to that. Then he meets the woman at the well. And out of a very ordinary situation, an opportunity to rest, to take a break, a new opportunity arises. An opportunity for Jesus to love his neighbor.
[2:08] It wasn't pre-planned. It wasn't premeditated, rehearsed. In fact, they had nothing in common. But there was no distraction that stopped their conversation either. She was a woman, he a man.
[2:21] She a Samaritan, a sinner, sinning. No, at that time, simply just neighbors. So as we heard, he asked her for a drink. In my own words, excuse me, you're talking to me. You're talking to me.
[2:44] You realize who you're talking to? I'm a Samaritan. You're not. We don't mix. So he replies, woman, you are focusing on the wrong thing. Do you realize that? That you are being so distracted right now. Can you not see what is more important? If you knew the gift of grace, the gift of God, and who it is who asks you for a drink, you would have given it to him. And he would have given you in return to living water. Basically, stop getting so distracted. Get your priorities right. And she still doesn't really understand him. But Jesus explains who he is and why she needs to know. Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again. But whoever drinks the water, I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become a spring welling up inside them to eternal life. So in turn, the woman realizes what Jesus is saying. And she acknowledges she needs that in her life. And just as she says that, what happens? Hang on a minute. Jesus stops her in his tracks and said, okay, that's great. In fact, it's better than great. It is fantastic.
[4:09] But before you're going to move on, before you're going to have that living water in your life, we need to talk about something. We need to talk about the five husbands and the guy who's not your husband right now. How does he know that? He's Jesus. He knows everything. But you know what?
[4:28] Although he confronted her about that, he comforted her after. He told her the truth of the gospel about who he is so that she could move on in good stead.
[4:44] So there's my recap. You know the story. But what is our story today? Can you relate to anyone in that story? You know, are you, say, a disciple doing as the Lord calls, but it's not always easy?
[5:00] Are you a bit miffed off, a bit disenfranchised with life? Are you just keeping your head down? Or are you thirsty? Are you searching for more? Are you hoping? Well, here's the thing. If you're A, B, C, D, or E, all of the above, then today it's for you.
[5:17] We can get so easily distracted in life. I should know. Some things we have control over, some things we don't.
[5:31] But I'll let you into a secret. It's not about A, B, C, D, E, or the above, getting distracted about what you've done, the choices you've made, the doubts you've had, the distraction. No matter that, what matters is who God is.
[5:48] And that's what Jesus was showing this lady at the well. So let's talk about that distraction. Being so distracted by thirst.
[5:59] And I don't mean the kind of, oh, I could really do with a coffee after the sermon kind of thirst. I can't think. No, no, what I mean is that I can't think, I can't talk, I can't walk.
[6:11] I just, all I can see, all I need is that drink, that kind of release, that kind of, that rest.
[6:24] Has anyone ever been that thirsty? Yeah, I didn't think so. Okay, Susie. But I guess you would be that thirsty depending on how long this sermon is, right?
[6:37] But what Jesus is talking about is not that thirst for the excellent coffee at the back. What he's talking about is that thirst for a very real, consuming hope.
[6:49] That thirst for purpose, that thirst for direction, that thirst for forgiveness. Or maybe that release from anger, from fear. That kind of distraction, that distracts you to the point where you cannot talk, you cannot sleep, you cannot function in your normal day.
[7:09] But deep down, you know there must be a reason. You know there must be hope. There must be light. I know I've craved that in my life. I'm guessing quite a lot of you have too.
[7:24] So if only there was something that could give us that everlasting hope, that purpose, that direction, that forgiveness, that comfort, that fear. If only something could quench that thirst.
[7:37] Well, there's a lot, actually, that can meet that. Wherever we go, wherever we look, there are tons of answers. And I mean hundreds upon hundreds and hundreds of answers that will try to help with all of that.
[7:53] There are solutions, there are books, there are clubs, there are hobbies, there are relationships, there are shop windows, subscriptions, work gym, addictions, podcasts. You name it, something could be shiny and say, I'll help.
[8:07] I'll see if I can sort out that thirst for you. And you know what? They'll do the job for a while. They'll do the job for a while.
[8:19] They'll distract you for a while from whatever's causing you that pain. And don't get me wrong, somehow, excellent health benefits. Absolutely, you should be exercising.
[8:30] Absolutely, hobbies. Absolutely, go for a walk, see your friends. So important. But they will only ever take off the edge. That I believe, and we're here today and we've heard, there is only one option that will totally do the job.
[8:48] That will always lead you in the right direction. That will always answer every question you have. There is one drink that will quench this thirst in life.
[9:00] I want to read to you from Matthew 11, 28. And it says, Are you tired? Are you worn out?
[9:13] Are you burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me.
[9:26] Watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly.
[9:41] See, this is what Jesus meant when he said he was the living water. Not the stagnant water, but fresh living water. When Jesus says, That's what he meant.
[10:03] So let me ask you again. Who can you relate to in today's reading? Are you a disciple doing as the Lord calls, but it's not always easy and maybe you thirst for strength?
[10:17] Are you a bit miffed off? Are you pretty disenfranchised with life? Are you thirsty for hope? Or are you just keeping your head down?
[10:28] You know, you're doing you. But really deep down, you're thirsty for direction. Are you distracted, lacking, searching, hoping? When I tell you the answer, the thirst, quench, relieving answer.
[10:43] Relieving is not a word, but you know what I mean. Jesus. Honestly, guys. Jesus. He says, I am the way, the truth, the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
[10:55] So if you can relate today to A, B, C, D, E, or of the above. Do you know, let's not get distracted by that. But let's get our priorities right.
[11:09] Let's open our hearts and embrace God and receive that living water. Let's pray that we would not get distracted by thirst. Let's pray that we would not get distracted by thirst, but actually have that thirst quenched by the living water.
[11:23] I pray today that we will continue to be changed people. I pray that we will continue to be changed people. Refined disciples of God, wholly focused on him.
[11:33] His calling for our lives. His calling for our lives and live each day filled with the Holy Spirit. And so wherever we go, whatever we do, even the most simple of tasks, like resting and getting a drink of water.
[11:50] Let's seek God in all of it. Let's pray. Heavenly Father, loving God, living water.
[12:05] We thank you and praise you for your mercy, for your forgiveness, for your hope in our lives. We acknowledge that we far too often get distracted and we lose sight.
[12:20] That we do not seek you in the quiet parts of our lives. And in the busy, we get too distracted. Heavenly Father, we pray that you would fill up our cup.
[12:37] And that everything that isn't you would be emptied. Help us, we pray, to seek you first. To welcome you into every part of our lives.
[12:50] In the silence now, we ask us to show you where change is needed. And we also lift up those situations where we know we need you more.
[13:03] Thank you, Lord, that you call us and you comfort us.
[13:23] Please then challenge us and change us so that we might become ever more pleasing to you. Amen.