Not What I Will but What You Will

Mark: Jesus is King - Part 44

Feb. 12, 2023



  1. Jesus' prayer is not hurtful foolishness - it is deep and beautiful wisdom.

  2. Your cup is the accumulated wrong that you are responsible for - and the Lord's just wrath at the wrong that you are responsible for.

  3. The death of Jesus Christ on the cross is Him taking your place and drinking your cup.

  4. Until you see Him face-to-face, you are weak, complex, divided - and held in the palm of His hand.

  5. Abba, Father, from the depths of Your love, Your Son drank my cup of sin and Your just wrath at my sin. Please fix my heart, on His once-for-all sacrifice, so that I will pray boldly, knowing that all things are possible for you; and that I will also pray humbly saying, "Yet not what I will, but what You will." In Jesus Name, AMEN.

Three Attitudes to Develop.

  1. When Satan tempts me to despair, I will remember that my Saviour drang the cup of God's wrath against me down to the dregs.

  2. When Satan tempts me to despair, I will pour out the fears and sorrows of my heart to my Saviour.

  3. When Satan tempts me to despair, I will ask my heavenly Father to help me and I will pray, "Not my will but Your will be done."

Memory Verse! Mark 14:36

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