Forgiving Yourself Does Not Work

Mark: Jesus is King - Part 47

March 5, 2023



Sermon Points:

  1. Beware of using "cleverness" to try and cover up your unfaithfulness.
  2. It is far too common to invoke a curse or make an oath to try and cover up wrongdoing.
  3. The curse that you deserved fell on Him, and the blessing He deserved, He put on you and in you.
  4. It is real and true. He does not weigh your merits. He pardons your offenses.
  5. If Peter the Apostle fell, so will you. So will your brother and sister in Christ. If the Lord's grace was greater than Peter's fall, His grace will be greater for you and for and for your brother and sister in Christ as well.
  6. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ grounds, draws, and fuels honest self-examination, repentance, and amendment of life.

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