The Social & Personal Danger of Mocking

Mark: Jesus is King - Part 49

March 19, 2023



  1. For pagan Rome, crucifixion was a symbol of their glory, majesty, and might - it was not a flaw to repent of.
    2A. You feel god-like when you mock.
    2B. Mocking quietly moves from being a slippery slope to a fun toboggan ride.
    2C. You cannot mock and love.
    2D. When you mock, you abandon seeking to know truth.
    2E. Mocking stirs up strife.
  2. It is because Jesus did not save Himself that He can save you.
  3. Jesus tasted all there is to taste of the cause, judgment, punishment and reality of death - and He defeated death in His resurrection.
  4. Your only hope in life and death, is that by repentance from sin, and faith in Jesus, you will be included in His victory over sin and death.

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