God: Untameable and Good

Ezra & Nehemiah: Renewal & Rebuilding Amidst the Ruins - Part 3

April 30, 2023



  1. The true God has revealed Himself in an open and public way through His word written.

  2. The true God desires that you bring the best of your mind and heart to bear on understanding His word written - and how you shall then live.

  3. You have a yearning for the One who can move empires, yet can put His strong hand of love upon the real you.

  4. The true and living God is untamed, untameable - and pure goodness and love.

  5. When you had forsaken the true and living God, Jesus came to die forsaken by God, so that you could truly live as His adopted child.

  6. As the person and work of Jesus become more real to your heart, His presence and His word help you to de-flatter yourself, and live authentic and free in the real world.

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