John: The Word Became Flesh - John 10:22-42

John: The Word Became Flesh - Part 24


Scott Liddell

March 10, 2024


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[0:00] John chapter 10 starting in verse 22 through the end of the chapter This is the word of the Lord At that time the Feast of dedication took place at Jerusalem It was winter and Jesus was walking in the temple in the colonnade of Solomon So the Jews gathered around him and said to him how long will you keep us in suspense?

[0:25] If you are the Christ tell us plainly Jesus answered them I told you and you do not believe The works that I do in my father's name bear witness about me But you do not believe me because you are not among my sheep My sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me I give them eternal life and they will never perish And no one will snatch them out of my hand My father who has given them to me is greater than all And no one is able to snatch them out of the father's hand I and the father are one The Jews picked up stones again to stone him Jesus answered them I've shown you many good works from the father For which of them are you going to stone me?

[1:17] The Jews answered him and it's not for a good work that we are going to stone you But for blasphemy because you being a man make yourself a god Jesus answered them is it not written in your law?

[1:32] I said you are gods If you called them gods to whom the word of god came And scripture cannot be broken Do you say of him whom the father consecrated and sent into the world?

[1:44] You are blaspheming because I said I am the son of God If I am not doing the works of my father then do not believe me But if I do them even though you do not believe me Believe the works That you may know and understand that the father is in me and I am in the father Again they sought to arrest him but he escaped from their hands He went away across the Jordan to the place where John had been baptizing at first And there he remained And many came to him and they said John did no sign But everything that John said about this man was true And many believed in him there This week I read an article That was published in 2023 last year by the economist and it was it wrote that One in every five young Americans between the ages of 18 to 29 years old do not believe the Holocaust occurred

[2:54] One in five And I thought about all the conspiracy theories that exist today like the moon landing is just a myth or Another one that is yeah common That there are a number of conspiracy theories out there and It's amazing flat earthers are another one There's another number of conspiracy theories that are out there that people have to adhere to a certain beliefs Stringently in order to deny truth We know this to be true And when I was thinking about these conspiracy theories Today that exist that are rampant I was thinking about how ardently they hold to Lies in order to deny the truth and I thought that is exactly What the Jewish leaders are like In the first century that we're going to read about today They cannot accept the reality that Jesus is the messiah

[4:00] Worse yet, they cannot accept the reality that Jesus is even God And they they hold to their unbelief Ardently hold they hold fastly to that unbelief and so today Jesus is going to expose unbelief in these Jewish leaders and he's going to do that a number of ways So if you're wanting to know where are we going in the sermon?

[4:25] I'm going to just kind of quickly give you a rough outline that Jesus exposes the the reasons for their unbelief We'll see that firstly second. We will look at the consequences of their unbelief and then thirdly The folly of unbelief the folly the foolishness of unbelief We see in our passage where it began as josh read our opening line verse gives us kind of The where and when of the conversation that Jesus is having with these religious leaders He says at that time the feast of dedication took place At Jerusalem it was winter. So the feast of dedication so Between verses 21 and 22 there's about a two to three month period of time that is unmentioned two or three months copie Why do how do we know that?

[5:16] Well, we know preceding in verse 21 kind of concludes the The the feast of booths that we looked at the feast of tabernacles that is a fall festival in Jerusalem And so Jesus has just kind of concluded that and then the next thing we know is now We're at the feast of dedication and it is winter we're told and what is the feast of dedication because it is not found in the old Testament it's not found in the law of moses. So what is this feast of dedication?

[5:45] In between the old testament and new testament there's a period of 400 years that is not recorded in the bible that The world history is happening things are happening, but but god's word is silent So sometimes they're called the silent years the 400 years of silence meaning 400 years of biblical silence World history still went on one of the events of world history that went on is there was a solicit empire around The Macedonian empire and the solicit empire had a ruler whose name was antiaecus epiphanies And he was an evil man and he came down to Jerusalem uh, to the israel region and he made one of the things that he made israel do was to add some in israel Especially the chief priest he made him eat pork which is an unclean animal unlawful and so a the macabean family the macabees they revolted against antiaecus epiphanies and and ousted him And and so to commemorate this uh restoration of israel and this restoration of the temple

[6:53] They had this feast of dedication today This feast of dedication is called hanukkah. So when people celebrate hanukkah today, what are we doing? What is israel doing when they're celebrating that if they're still is celebrating this?

[7:07] uh ousting uh and putting away the ruling of evil of antiaecus epiphanies So that happened about uh 150 years prior to this time that we're reading about here In in in our account. So that's the the location the event and jesus walking on the temple mount there on the Solomon column of the colonnade of Solomon the soloments porch in verse 23 and in their verse 24 is kind of a critical verse because It tells us The question that jesus is going to be responding to throughout the whole rest of the text So here's the question the jews were gathered around him and said to him So imagine jesus in jerusalem on the temple mount How long will you keep us in suspense if you are the christ tell us plainly?

[7:58] And again what jesus is about to do is expose the reason for their unbelief And but notice where did they place their blame? He the jews are placing the blame for their unbelief on jesus if you're really the messiah jesus just tell us to it Tell us plainly make it plain to it. It is your faults. We don't believe if if you have not made it clear jesus It's not our problem. It's your problem. If you don't uh help help us understand how we're to think about you You're the problem jesus as to why we don't believe This is the insinuation behind their question. Tell us to us plainly is their request So remember that tell us to us tell it to us plainly Because we're going to get to that in a minute So jesus in response to that now is going to give reasons for their unbelief and it has nothing to do necessarily with jesus So let's let's review john's gospel really quickly beginning in verse two

[9:01] Jesus turns water into wine and after that he went into drusselam and kicked out the extortionist from the temple Remember he braided that whip of cords and he and he he overturned money Changing tables. He embodied in the old testament regarding the messiah a zeal for the temple That's what the messiah was supposed to have as a zeal for the temple and he just modeled it. That's chapter two onto chapter three We'd see john the baptist testifying that jesus is the messiah john's ministry was simply to point others to christ and say follow Him and jesus even said I must decrease he must increase follow him. He's the one we've been waiting for That's chapter three chapter four John healed the the royal official son without even taking a step toward the town and said go your son has been made well and he was to go John chapter five he healed the man who was lame for 38 years and jesus then Called god his father and he also called himself both the son of god and son of man and the and the title son of man in the book of

[10:06] Daniel is the messianic title. So he just said i'm the son of man I am the messiah and they're asking for him tell it to his plainly. He's been doing that for some time now onto chapter six jesus Has fed five thousand men women and children included 15 20,000 people He then miraculously crossed the sea Of galley and the chapter ends with him calling himself the bread of life And in the son of man again that title the messianic title son of man onto chapter seven The festival of booths it begins in chapter seven it concludes one verse prior to our text today And at this it's a messianic. He quotes a messianic chapter in isaia 55 basically saying i am the one who this is writing about He quotes this messianic passage in isaia 55 Chapter eight he continues at the festival of booths and he quotes a messianic passage out of isaia chapter four

[11:06] Indicating i am the messiah i am the son of man Chapter nine he heals the man born blind chapter ten Jesus applied the messianic promises to the to the coming of the good shepherd to himself Saying i am the good shepherd He if you will has been making it very plainly It is not his fault for their unbelief. He has been making it very plain and this is what i want us to see is the human responsibility That we all have and each have with regard to believing in the sun However, we need to couple the truth and the reality about human responsibility with divine sovereignty So we look in this passage and look with me in verse 26 And he says to them he gives them the other reason for why they don't believe But you do not believe because you are not among my sheep Jesus says

[12:07] You are not among my sheep Here jesus weaves this divine sovereignty element. You are not my sheep with The human responsibility their unwillingness to embrace the truth And we do not do anyone any favors by suggesting to anyone that we can assist god in any way in saving ourselves R.C. Sproll has an application that i appreciate and he mentions it this way He pictures god saying to man i want you to trim these bushes by 3 p.m.

[12:48] But be careful there is a large pit at the edge of the garden And if you fall into the pit you will not be able to get yourself out So stay out of the stay away from the pit As soon as god leaves the garden the man runs over to the the pit and jumps into it at 3 p.m God returns and finds the bushes untrimmed and he Goes over to the pit and sees the man at the very bottom He gets he cannot get out and god says to the man Why have you not trimmed the bushes and the man replies angrily?

[13:19] How do you expect me to trim these bushes when i am trapped in this pit if you hadn't left this pit here? I would not be in this predicament So sprawl goes on to explain that adam is the one who if you will has jumped into the pit And we all in adam jumped in with him and god imputed adam sin to the entire human race And we are helplessly incapacitated to help ourselves out of this pit or help us from our sin And at the same time god holds us responsible to repent and believe So notice in verse 26 again this god sovereignty aspect But you do not believe because you are not among my sheep And then there's human responsibility their unwillingness to embrace the plain truth that Jesus has been communicating throughout the whole gospel of john What is the application for us today?

[14:23] Today as we talk to individuals who do not know the lord they are in one of two categories They're probably they're either ignorant not having heard the truth and the reality of christ or They are unwilling to embrace the plain truth of who jesus is and they are still dead in their sin And if you are here today and you do not know the lord I am going to invite you and ask you please repent of your sin and believe and trust in christ He is the second member of the godhead who condescended to earth who took on human form becoming Fully god and fully man becoming fully man being fully god Living a sinless life dying a death for sin Three days in the grave and raising on the third day To forgive sin and this is the greatest news that we have And I encourage anyone today believe in christ for the forgiveness of sin

[15:28] So that is Jesus exposing the reasons for the unbelief their unwillingness to embrace the plain truth of christ And the fact that they are not his sheep those are the two reasons that we have Secondly jesus then goes on to expose the consequences of their unbelief and we're going to Look at this exposure of their unbelief by paying close attention to the promises that jesus has gives us to his Gives to his sheep in this passage And so look with me in verses 25 through 3rd 21. We're going to read 31. We're going to read these one more time So this is jesus's response to this question If you are the messiah, please tell us to with plainly if you are the christ tell us plainly and jesus said to them I told you And you do not believe this is The human responsibility. I've already told you you don't believe you're you're we already The works that I am

[16:30] That I do in my father's name bear witness about me But you do not believe because you are not among my sheep My sheep hear my voice and I know them and and they follow me I give them eternal life and they will not and they will never perish And no one will snatch them out of my hand my father Who has given them to me is greater than all and no one is able to snatch them out of my father's hand I and the father are one In exposing the consequence of unbelief again, we're looking at the promises that jesus gives to his sheep This passage I argue is one of the greatest passages on what is a theological term called eternal security And this means that once one has believed in christ that you your salvation is eternally secure You are secure in christ forever And there's no breaking of the love of christ in that you have forever

[17:35] And it's eternal security others in the body of christ and there's room for this Others of our brothers and sisters may say no you can lose your salvation So you likely grew up in a household where you either believe that you could lose your salvation or you are eternally secure I appreciate how awp pink who is a pastor and theologian in the 1900s he said of this passage he said this No stronger passage in all of god's word can be found guaranteeing the absolute security of every child of god So I want us to look at these promises that are given to god's sheep in this passage And there's a few of them First we're going to see that the sheep are secure because the father gave them to jesus notice What we read in verse uh Verse 29

[18:35] My father who has given them to me speaking of the sheep My father has given them to me so we are secure because the father god the father has given the son the sheep that are is to be his The sheep are secure because the father has given the sheep to jesus Before the foundation of the world our salvation is not our doing We are not jesus's sheep because we decided to believe we decided to believe because we are among god's sheep If you read with me aphesians, I believe it'll be on the screen here with us behind me Ephesians 1 3 through 5 I want us to listen to these words with regard to the father giving the son the sheep And noticing how long ago this occurred Blessed be the god and father of our lord jesus christ who has blessed us in christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places Even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world

[19:41] That we should be holy and blameless before him in love He predestined us for adoption to himself as sons through jesus christ according to the purpose of his will He chose us in him Before the foundation of the world Imagine this this is mind boggling to me So if we were to reverse time and now time doesn't exist We're before time now that all that exists Is there all we have Is the one who always was and always will be who is god god One in essence three in persons father son holy spirit He is all who exists at this point in time At some point in time he creates But before creation all there is is god and don't imagine that space as dark because god is light

[20:43] It is radiant. It is beaming. There's community. There's unity God is beautiful Here he is And in that before time state It says that he has chosen us his sheep in him before The foundation of the world creation That is There are a few words I can think of To articulate the wonder the beauty the awe That those of us who may believe in christ Have for being chosen before the foundation of the world in christ and it's in How eternally secure are you?

[21:39] well The father gave the son his sheep before I can't even If I didn't hand have hands and gestures I wouldn't know how to explain that The basis of our security our salvation including our faith is totally from god We did not help him out in the process. I didn't exist back then His choosing preceded our belief his choosing occurred before the foundation of the world That is when our father gave the son his sheep. So the reason number one that you are secure Is because the father gave the sheep to the son Before the foundation of the world number two the sheep are secure because He gives eternal life to them look with me in verse 28 He gave them eternal life and they never they will never perish He gave them eternal life The sheep have eternal life because he gave them eternal life

[22:46] This is a claim to jesus's deity no one but god can give eternal life to anyone Unless you're god Notice it is a gift also. He gives them eternal life So three questions I have Say Whether you know you have eternal life. They're found in this text. I would ask three questions. Do you believe in jesus?

[23:11] Jesus's sheep believe in him verse 26 But you do not believe because you are not among the sheep So the antithesis of that is and if you are among the sheep then you believe in him So my first question is do you believe in jesus?

[23:25] Rather than trusting in your good works for your salvation like the Pharisees were doing You must see yourself as a guilty sinner And trust that jesus's death paid the penalty for sin that you and I deserved Do you believe in jesus second? Do you hear his voice?

[23:44] Jesus's sheep hear his voice verse 27 My sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me Jesus is not referring to hearing an audible voice Or a mystical inner voice Jesus is speaking about the testimony by him about him that the bible rings true in your heart When you read the bible when you read the word it testifies to jesus and you say yes Yes, it means that you have a sense of obeying my father would tell me Hey scott before I get home, please clean your room. And then he would say hey scott Did you hear me?

[24:25] Now he was not asking can I verbatim repeat him? Yes, dad. I heard you say Before I get home you should clean your room. That's not what my father is asking if when he says scott Did you hear me?

[24:37] He is He is expecting that the room will be clean. That's what he's asking when he says did you hear me? He has an expectation that is longing to be met So when it says His sheep hear his voice my question is Do you hear the father's voice? There is a sense of obeying Is your desire to please the shepherd?

[25:03] Who gave you his life to cause you to become his sheep? Are you becoming obedient to his teaching? I I Often when I Read God's word there's a place at my home office desk that has this piece of paper on it And it has questions for me when I read a passage of scripture to To hear his voice. These are some questions that I ask myself. You're welcome to write them down. There are eight of them for me to delight in the Lord And to hear his voice. So these are some common questions no matter what passage I'm reading in scripture that These are good to ask ourselves To hear his voice. So I'll ask myself this question Are there any truths about God?

[25:57] for me to know What truths are there about God that are that I need to know To discern to discern the characteristics the attributes of God that are evident in the passage Number two, are there any examples here for me to follow?

[26:13] There's a lot of biblical characters, especially if you're in a narrative of david and you're thinking boy These are good men in fact In hebrus 13 verse 7 it says imitate their faith in in hebrus chapter 11 We're given the hall of faith these wonderful men and women who lived who who Who by faith obeyed the Lord in some means or manner and so is there an example for me here to follow?

[26:41] Is there a command third one? Is there a command for me to obey? Is there a command for me to obey? How do you apply the instructions of God's word in your relationships at home and your church and society?

[26:59] Fourthly, is there any doctrinal adjustments that we need to make? Is there any doctrinal adjustments? Is there a truth? When I was younger in the faith, I did not know what hills to die on theologically so I just chose to die on them all Which was not the best Way I would propose going about things But in the process of time I have Understood there are more important theological truths and there are less important theological truths. They're all important but they're They're all important, but some do not need to be able to die for all of them Fifthly, are there any sins for me to forsake? Is there sin in my life that I need to forsake?

[27:53] As I relate to people in the home God or at the relate to home and the church and at work and so on Sixthly, are there promises for me to claim?

[28:06] Are there promises for me to claim? Look here with me today we find a promise for us to claim I give them eternal life That's promise you're among my sheep. I give you eternal life You can claim that promise How does this passage relate to Jesus?

[28:28] Seventh one, how does this passage relate to Jesus? How does this text that I am reading contribute to God's saving message found in Christ?

[28:40] And then lastly, how I have how have I come to cherish Christ all the more? How have I come to cherish Christ? Those are helpful for me to know and to discern Do I hear Jesus's voice last question week to ask ourselves does Jesus know me and do I follow him?

[29:02] Does Jesus know me? uh And do I follow him again in verse 27 my sheep hear my voice? I know them and they follow me Jesus is referring to an intimate knowledge a personal relationship The shepherd calls his sheep and that he knows them by name And and it's our responsibility to follow and obey him Even where it's scary He's asking you to trust him in something he leads the sheep and we follow And these are the qualities that a sheep possesses for those who have eternal life last Point for today Is the or are the reasons for why the sheep are eternally secure is that both the father and the son keep them And look with me in verses 28 29 and 30 For my father who has given them to me Is greater than all And no one is able to snatch them out of my hand. I and the father won the verse prior to that

[30:06] Uh I give them eternal life verse 28 and they they will never perish and no one will snatch them out of my hand Do you see this double protection?

[30:19] both the son And no one will snatch them out of my hand Jesus is speaking and says I give them eternal life and no one will snatch them out of my hand Then the following verse and he says then my father who has given them to me is greater than all and no one is able To snatch them out of there as his hand Both the father and the son Have you in his hand his sheep in his hand?

[30:48] And there's this double protection that is imaged here Some argue that a believer can remove himself from the the hand of god I would argue though in verse 28 Uh, that subverts jesus's promise given to us in verse 28. I give them eternal life and they will never perish You have this double protection Jesus hand and the father's hand And how can you undo some decision that was made before time?

[31:24] You are chosen in him before the foundation of the world for those who are in christ I have found romans 8 the the latter verses of romans chapter 8 very dear Uh, when I consider this roman's chapter 8 verses 38 and 39. I believe this is on the screen as well For I am sure that neither death nor life nor angels nor rulers nor things present or things to come nor powers Nor height nor depth nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of god and christ jesus our lord I want us to focus in on the phrase Nor anything else in all creation Think of this Before time All that exists is god He exists and He has chosen us in him before the foundation of the world And he says

[32:25] This verse in chapter 8 is romans is saying and anything in all of creation none of that can separate you from the love of god He has you in his hand This is why this is perhaps the greatest passage on eternal security No doubt No demon nothing That is created Can separate you from the love of god In conclusion, I love how jesus concludes. He says I and the father are one I just want to say that they are united and the resolve to keep the sheep However, that is not all that jesus is talking about when he says I and the father are one because if you see the response They pick up stones ready to kill him so This gets us to a third and final point of jesus is now going to expose their unbelief He is going to expose their unbelief and it begins with just Remember their request jesus if you're the messiah tell us to explain lee and he concludes this section on the sheet by saying

[33:33] By the way, I and the father are one He just told them very plainly He is not only the messiah, but he is equating himself with god If you hear people say Uh, well jesus never said I am god. This is one of those times that he just did He just did so for example If I said, uh, I'm I to give you my family heritage. I say well, I'm a norseman. I'm from the land of the vikings We loot a fisk and there's a lot of fjords Where am I from?

[34:08] Norway I'm a norwegian a lot of norwegian blood so There's a number of ways of saying i'm norwegian Just like jesus could there's a number of ways he can say I am god. He just said I and the father are one They immediately find a pile of rocks and all are about ready to have a rock throwing party in his name to kill him Now why would they do that? Is he just saying oh Look how secure the sheep are because the father and the son they are one and And and and and that's how secure you are. Yes, he is saying that but he is saying far more because now they're ready to kill him And they say why they're going to kill him Uh, and jesus kind of bantering with him. They have instruments of death in their hand and I love jesus He'd rather casually just he answers them. I have shown you many good ways I've shown you many good works from the father. Which of them are you about to stone me?

[35:09] So hey I have shown you all of the good things that I've done. You were here when I uh the 30 man 38 years the man was born Lane, you just saw the man born blind. You've seen all of this I've done a lot of miracles from the father's hand. Which of them are you going to stone me?

[35:27] And remember their request make it plain to us who you are and he says I and the father are one First 33 tells you how you should interpret I and the father are one and the jews answered him It is not for a good work that we are going to stone you but for blasphemy because you being a man Make yourself god They understood he just claimed to be god Of the same nature of god. So yes, he just did make it plain. I'm not only the messiah I am god and they're ready to kill him for it And he is exposing their unbelief. Why?

[36:08] Because they are rejecting his works. There's two reasons and He is saying you're rejecting my works I have shown you many good works from my father you rejected them Are you going to stone me because of the works that I have done?

[36:24] So the rejecting his works and the second thing they're rejecting is his word In verse 34 Is it not written in your law and then there's there's there's a dialogue about what is written in his law So they're rejecting his works and they're rejecting his word and those are the two reasons He's exposing the folly the foolishness of their unbelief. You are foolish for not believing you're rejecting my word and my works And I love the adjectives that he ascribes to His works In verse 32 look at the the verse I have shown you many good works from the father from which Of them are you going to stone me?

[37:12] Good works there is a moral excellence to his work. There is a beauty There is a praiseworthy nature to his good works. He healed a man born lame for 38 years He healed a man born blind How good there's nothing these individuals could Add to him He did it selflessly to restore sight He's the perfect son living in the midst of a wicked and godless world and every action every word every conversation Is spotless is beautiful. It's life giving He healed restored And he says I've shown you many good works and you're rejecting them And the next thing he says is not only are these works good, but they're also from my father

[38:15] Which of these beautiful praiseworthy morally excellent works? From the father. Are you going to kill me for is this essentially what he's asking? And these men were so wrapped up in their religion and they missed the beauty and the glory Of the son that was displaying right before them And it's foolish to not believe It's foolish for anyone not to believe then it's foolish for anyone not to believe today That jesus christ is the son of god and he came to die a death for sin They you and I might know him and glorify him And to reject it is to reject his works and his word And I want to conclude with verses 39 through 42 And Close with an illustration and again they sought to arrest him But he escaped from their hands verse 40 and he went away again Across the Jordan to a place where John had been baptizing at first and there he remained

[39:17] And many came out to him and they said John did no sign But everything that John said about this man was true And many believed in him there Remember the sermon from last week and couple that sermon with Today's message with regard to the sheep motif And let's see if this These latter verses can be put simply by This this is happening on the heels of the sheep shepherd motif. So here it is Jesus has finished He This sheep shepherd finished this motif Jesus is the shepherd. He leads his sheep His sheep follow him out to the wilderness his sheep know his voice They heard the truth about Jesus and they believed That's what just happened And so on the heels of this sheep shepherd motif what happens Jesus goes out

[40:20] People follow him there. They hear the word and they believe Just like What sheep do with their shepherd When I think about Eternal security and things I think about how rich our God's love for us is And I was reflecting on that and my wife and I Had the privilege of Had the privilege of knowing a young lady we met her in the late 1990s In early 2000s her name is Rachel And Rachel my wife and I refer to Rachel as probably one of the most well-loved children we've ever met Rachel went to Whitworth University. We met her as a freshman a young freshman And this girl Knew that nothing she could do Would Break the love that her parents had for her She's not an only child. She had siblings

[41:22] And she she though I watched her one time she she stumbled down a flight of stairs So she kind of fell and she kind of barely caught herself And and there was a whole crowd because we were walking there was a lot of people around and she just She bows And then she's went on to ask people like hey, how would you rate that fall?

[41:42] I'm working on my falling like it was at a number 10 or did I get a 10? Is that a 10 out of 10 or the six could I use some improvement? I mean She would just make light of things but her self-worth was not hindered one bit that she fell She did not care about what people said. She could be the center of attention, but she could also not be the center of attention She engaged others. She made not conversations about herself She was secure in her parents love and she would often tell us how much her parents Loved her and how they did so and and she was one of the most secure Young ladies I've ever met and again. We just we look back and think of Rachel and we think She is one of the most well-loved children. We've ever met who came out of a house knowing her parents love her She's a delight even to this day and she knows the Lord. She has children of her own married She's a wonderful lady I share that story with you to think To communicate To communicate If that's what a well-loved child looks like humanly speaking, how ought we to live?

[42:51] He chose us in him before the foundation of the world He has what does the passage say? He gave them eternal life and they will never perish. No one will snatch you out of my hand You you and I are so well loved for those of us who are in Christ. How ought we to live?

[43:13] We ought to be a people who forgive readily we ought to be bold and courageous What ought to be humble why are we why why do we be humble because we serve one who is lowly in heart we We ought to rejoice with others and be happy for the other's success. Why and what what why how could we do that?

[43:38] well We rejoice with them and we don't think about what we don't have How how we feel like we have been shorted. No, I rejoice with you We ought to be Live our relationships out with purity in a sex saturated world What to be why because our Lord is holy and he loves us And we ought to desire moral purity in every way Want to revel in truth and be truth tellers We ought to pray for those who persecute us Instead of maligning We ought to be hospitable loving the stranger why we love the stranger because God welcomed us So it's easy to be hospitable to love people

[44:46] And put away all the self tendencies the self protective tendencies the self ish tendencies the self oriented tendencies Why?

[45:00] I'm a well-loved child I don't need to be that way because I know the one who is the source and will who is my supply He's it's endless so I can be giving and selfless and generous with my life Because he's my supply We ought to live like a well-loved child Certain of our destiny certain of his love For those in Christ Jesus Let's pray father We love you Thank you for your word today We're grateful that You you you communicate to us Your relationship between you and your sheep Thank you for choosing those in Christ Jesus Before the foundation of the world Thank you for making it plain

[46:01] That you are not only the messiah But you are God Or we pray for Any reason for unbelief in this room Lord would you expose it as foolishness?

[46:20] Lord you wish none to perish But all to come to the knowledge of you and enjoy eternal life with you Thank you for this day. You're wonderful. Amen.

[46:55] You You You

[48:25] You You You

[49:55] You You You

[51:25] You You You

[52:55] You You You

[54:25] You You You

[55:55] You You You

[57:25] You You