Glorifying God in the Midst of Desperation


Israel Guerrero

Nov. 3, 2019


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[0:00] It's an honor to be here in this congregation. This is our second time here, the first time that we came. We came with our friends, Jonathan and Heather. Emma was just two months within the womb of my wife, so it's good to be here again.

[0:21] Thanks for the opportunity, to the elders for this invitation, to the reverend. And please turn with me to Psalm 40, the first three verses.

[0:36] Today I want to preach about glorifying God in the midst of desperation. How can we glorify God in the midst of our problems, in the midst of our bad days?

[0:52] So please go with me and let's read the three first verses. This is the word of God.

[1:04] Amen. I waited patiently for the Lord. He inclined to me and heard my cry. He drew me up from the pit of destruction, out of the mighty bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure.

[1:22] He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord.

[1:33] Amen. So, we live in a society that yearns for fast things. Fast food, fast internet or network connection, and so on.

[1:50] Everything that we want, we want it now. This is the culture, the society that we live. On the one hand, we can see the benefits of this.

[2:01] On the other hand, sometimes it's hard to see the negative side of our fast and quick culture. For example, superficiality, anxiety, a lack of patience.

[2:18] Patience. We want everything in our time, and we live as lords of time. We live as we are the lord of everything.

[2:29] If we want something, we want it now. We don't want it for tomorrow. If we want a solution, even a solution in our own terms, we want it now.

[2:42] The problem with this, is that we lose the true meaning of things, people, and relationships. Because we live in a quick and fast society or life, we tend to lose the meaning of friends, family, vocation, and life.

[3:02] The worst of all this, is that we do not appreciate the work of the Lord in our friends, in our families, and life.

[3:14] The worst thing, is that we forget to know God, especially in our suffering. We are suffering, whether due to circumstances, or because of our sin.

[3:28] But we must recognize, every day we face different battles, and that many times, we end up tired, or turned down. There are moments in the life of the believer, or the Christian, when he or she is really desperate.

[3:46] Our sin, battles, and burdens, are so heavy, that we feel that it's time to give up, because we are falling, in an unending pit.

[3:58] The anxiety, to solve our problems, but in order to continue, in this fast and quick life, aggravate our despair. But above all, this way of acting, aggravate our sins, because we are trying, in our own strength, to solve everything.

[4:19] after doing everything, we find ourselves, in a pit, where nobody seems, to understand us. And at the same time, to give us a good rescue.

[4:31] The reason for this, is because we continue, to put our trust, in our own strength. And we are not trusting, in the Lord. So, what can we do, to really glorify God, in our pits, full of destruction, full of sin, or maybe suffering?

[4:52] What is the purpose, or end, of suffering, or having bad days? To answer this question, we can look, through the first three verses, of the Psalm 40.

[5:08] With this in mind, and heart, I want to share with you, the next three headings. Number one, is that we glorify God, when we wait for Him. Number two, we glorify God, when we see, and experience, His work, in us.

[5:24] And finally, we glorify God, when we understand, that His work, in us, points out, to the glory of Christ, and the edification, of His church.

[5:37] So, the first heading, that I want to share, with you is, we glorify God, when we wait, for Him. David, begins this Psalm, with an attitude, that challenges, the way, of this society, to wait, patiently.

[5:57] Who wants, to wait patiently, in this society? Nobody. But in the midst, of terrible circumstances, that we don't know, with exactitude, David, waited, for the Lord.

[6:12] When the things, are not going well, and we try, with all our strength, to solve it, but we realize, that we are not, that we are doing, worst, we need to stop.

[6:24] We need to wait. But this, does not mean, like doing, nothing or anything, but quite the opposite.

[6:35] In the first place, to wait patiently, means to recognize, that the situation, is so much worse, than we can even imagine, because we are not, dealing with, things that are not okay, we are dealing, with sin, or its consequences, as we will see later.

[6:55] To wait patiently, means to recognize, that I cannot help, to myself. That's the reason, why, we need a savior. To wait patiently, means to deeply understand, that the Lord, has everything, under his providential, control.

[7:13] To apply this, in our life, is very important, in order to rest, on the Lord, and at the same time, to kill, every kind, of sinful anxiety.

[7:27] We should not forget, that sometimes, anxiety, is the gas, for legalism. Church of Christ, our gracious God, who is in heaven, and who is here, right now, is ruling everything, for his glory.

[7:45] And finally, to wait patiently, does it not mean, a resignation? Again, it's quite the opposite.

[7:56] It means, a desire wait. In the original, these two words, for waited patiently, actually are the same, in Hebrew.

[8:09] Hebrew. So, this means like, it is like an, I waited, to wait. I eagerly, waited for someone.

[8:21] I am waiting, because I desire someone. That's the meaning of, I waited patiently, to expect someone.

[8:32] Like a child, who is waiting, for his dad, or for his mom. David, he is patiently, waiting for his God. For a moment, the child is not worried, about the things, that surround him.

[8:47] The child is waiting, for his dad, or for his mom. In the same way, David is not focused, on where he is, in a pit of destruction.

[8:59] But, his, his eyes, are, fixed on Christ, on his Savior, he knows, that through faith, the Savior, is coming to him.

[9:12] He is waiting, for his Savior. That's the meaning of, I waited, patiently. So, now the question is, what are we waiting for, in our bad times, or bad days, or bad circumstances?

[9:29] What are you waiting for? Do we want, a temporal solution, for our problems? Or, do we want, an eternal solution, because we have sinned, against, an eternal God?

[9:45] Are you waiting, for temporal happiness, or for the eternal joy, in the eternal God? Do we, do we want, a temporal solution, that will expire, tomorrow maybe, or will expire, in a year, or in our death?

[10:02] Or, do we want, a solid, true, firm, and eternal solution, that begins now, affect our present day, and extend it, to eternity?

[10:14] What do we want, in our bad days? For the believer, every kind of problems, or circumstances, help him, and lead him, to wait, not for a, solution in the first place, but for God, his Savior.

[10:33] David is waiting, for the Lord, David is waiting, for the covenantal God, David is waiting, to see God, working, in his own heart, first.

[10:46] We are not focusing, here in the first place, to change the circumstances, but to change, our heart, and God, is the only one, who can change, our heart.

[10:59] David is waiting, for God, because he knows, oh sorry, David is waiting, for God, because he knows, that in our darkest day, or night, we can see, the glory, and splendor, of the Lord.

[11:19] When is the best moment, to see the light, but, in our darkest places. So, if you want to see, the glory of God, working in our life, the best, one of the best moments, for that, is in the darkest days, days.

[11:36] The never changing God, who is willing, to save, his children. David is waiting, for, his covenantal God. So, that's the meaning, of, to wait patiently, and we glorify God, when we wait, for him, when we have, a desire, for him, even, in dark, circumstances, we want, our savior.

[12:03] So, the next point, is, we glorify God, when we see, and experience, his works, in us. As I said, before, bad times, are one of the best, seasons, to see, and to be very conscious, of the glorious, deeds, of God.

[12:25] God, uses bad times, to help, the believer, to realize, that the main problem, is not outside, but, inside of us.

[12:35] this pit, that David, describes here, in verse 2, he drew me up, from the pit, of destruction. This pit, is not mainly, outside, it's not just, about the circumstances, but, this pit, is, inside of us, in our, in our hearts.

[12:58] And because, the heart, of the problem, is our heart, God comes, to our hearts. I waited, patiently, for the Lord.

[13:09] He inclined, to me, and heard my cry. He inclined, to me, and heard my cry. David, is recognizing, that God, inclined, to him, because, he cannot, go, to God.

[13:24] In the moments, when we feel, that, we cannot, even, move, one single, muscle, to go, for help, God, put his, eyes, upon us, and hear, or cry.

[13:39] But, this is not, just, a single cry. The meaning, of this, is a, desperate cry, for help. But, why God, is ready, to hear, or cry, for help?

[13:53] Is it, because, of the low, volume, of our voice? Because, we are, acting, as good, Christians? Is it, because, we are, an important, member, of God's, church?

[14:06] No, my friends, it's not, because, of us. Don't, forget, the words, of Exodus, chapter 2, the cry, of the people, of God, in slavery.

[14:20] Exodus, chapter 2, said, verse 23, to 25, their cry, for rescue, from slavery, came up to God, and God, heard their groaning, and God, remembered, his covenant, with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob.

[14:40] God, saw the people, of Israel, and God, knew. Because, God is faithful, to his covenant, his gracious covenant, his covenant, of grace, he is ready, to hear, the cry, of his children.

[14:55] It is not, because of us, it is not, because of good works, it is because, of his faithfulness, to his own covenant, with you. Because love, because God, loves, his intimate, and full of love, covenantal, relationship, with his people, with you, he is ready, to hear, our prayers.

[15:23] Dear brothers, and sisters, in our time, of desperation, or anxiety, or despair, God is willing, to hear the words, that come, from a broken heart.

[15:36] So, up to this point, God, inclines, and hears, but he doesn't, stop here. Let's read again, the Psalm 14, verse 2.

[15:48] He drew me up, from the pit of destruction, out of the mighty bow. The context, of David's prayer, and cry, were very particular. A pit of destruction, and a mighty bow.

[16:00] The original words, for a pit of destruction, means like, a road of waters. In the Old Testament, sometimes the image, of the road of waters, means, judgment.

[16:14] David is facing, destruction, judgment, and, as in my Spanish, Bible version said, despair. In the Spanish version said, a pit of despair, destruction.

[16:30] So, let me ask you something. What brings, destruction, judgment, and despair? According to the Bible, there is only one word, that describes, that describes, judgment, destruction, and despair.

[16:47] Sin. Our sinful sins, bring, bring destruction, to our lives, relationships, ministries, families, and so on.

[16:59] That is the pit, of destruction. We don't know, what kind of situation, David was facing, but he said, that he was in a mighty bow.

[17:11] Have you, have you been before, in a mighty bow, or in a pit, of destruction? Maybe you can reply, no, never. But our sins, are the worst, mighty bow.

[17:24] Our secret sins, dear brothers, and sisters, immobilize us. us. So, so let me ask you something, how, how, are we dealing, with our secret sins, with that, pit, of destruction?

[17:45] Are we, playing, in the mighty bow? Do we realize, that the incubation, of sins, brings, the road, of waters, or judgment, to our life?

[18:01] Think about that. Are we, killing, our sins? Or, are we, playing, with our secret sins? So, this is something, very serious.

[18:19] But, dear brothers, it's in that moment, in the mighty bow, in the pit, of destruction, despair, and confusion, when we feel, in that moment, that, when we feel, that we are losing, the battle, it's in that moment, that, that God, come to us, and drew us, up from our sins, and pit, of destruction.

[18:47] It's in the darkest days, in that moment, that God, comes, again, for his children, children, because he is faithful, to his covenant.

[18:59] When we are unfaithful, he is faithful, to himself. And because he is faithful, to himself, he is ready, to save you. God, here, inclined to us, and drew us up, from destruction.

[19:15] Have you seen this? Have you tasted this? If you are a child of God, and you are, and you, and you have this experience, of a pit of destruction, let me tell you, that God is, right now, Church of God, in this very moment, he is hearing, in this very moment, and, and, he is hearing our prayers, and, and, drawing up us, from our sins, because he, because of his faithfulness, to himself.

[19:43] But, that is not all. Then David says, and set my feet, upon a rock, making my steps secure. He put a new song, in my mouth, a song of praise, to our God.

[19:55] God, God, does not take us, out from the mighty bug, or from sin, to continue playing, in the swamp of sin.

[20:07] God, takes us, from the destruction, to put us, in the best place. What is the best place?

[20:18] But the rock. Please, hear this. And what is a rock, but a, but a solid foundation?

[20:31] And who is the rock, in the Bible? The rock, in the Bible, is the creator, of the whole universe. The rock, in the Bible, according to the Bible, is Jesus Christ, our Savior.

[20:46] So God, take us, from our sins, and through the work, of the Holy Spirit, unite us, us, to Christ. In the midst, of our problems, or bad days, we must, experience, the reality, of union with Christ, through our, communion with Christ.

[21:07] It's in the bad days, that we can, experience, this intimate relationship, and communion, and fellowship, with Christ. We are united, to the rock.

[21:17] We have been justified. Therefore, there is not condemnation, for us. But why, are we united, to Christ?

[21:29] And the answer, we can find it, very quickly, Matthew chapter 7, from verse 24, to 27. Everyone then, who hears, these words of mine, and does them, will be like, a wise man, who built his house, on the rock.

[21:49] And the rain fell, and the fruits came, and the winds blew, and beat on that house. But it did not fall, because, it has been founded, on the rock.

[22:04] We are, united to Christ, to be justified, to have communion, with him, but also, to hear his holy word, and put it, into practice. That's the reason, that we are, on the rock.

[22:18] We are, united to Christ. We have been, justified, but we need, to live, the reality, of justification, through sanctification. Justification, and sanctification, are rooted, in our union, with Christ.

[22:33] We are, united to Christ, to live, and experience, what we believe, and what we confess. That our, chief end, is to glorify, God, and enjoy him, forever.

[22:49] Therefore, if we, if we have been put, in the rock, that is Jesus Christ, we must live, according to that reality. Are you living, according to that union?

[23:05] We live, our life, in Christ. We grow up, as families, in Christ. We live, our vocations, in Christ. If the rain fell, and the fruits come, it doesn't matter, because nothing, can separate us, from the love, of Christ.

[23:23] It's in the midst, of the rain, and the pit, of destruction, that we can experience, that our feet, are rooted, in Christ. Your life, does not, does not depend, on the pit, of destruction.

[23:36] Your life, does not depend, of your, in your sins, or, on the food, or, in the rain. Your life, is hidden, in the heart, of Christ.

[23:47] That is your place. Your place, is not, the pit of destruction. Your place, is not your sins. Your place, is in the heart, in the hand, of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

[24:00] That is, and, it is from that place, from the heart, of Christ, in Christ, that we live, our life. It is, from that place, that we walk, through the valley, of shadow, and death.

[24:17] Your identity, is in Christ, not in your sins, or in your past, experience. Your life, is in Christ. In this way, we can say, with the Apostle Paul, for me, to live, is Christ.

[24:34] Christ. For me, to live, is Christ. Can we, realize about, these words, our life, is in Christ.

[24:53] To live, is Christ. And because of that, Christ, makes our steps, secure, secure, in the pit, we cannot, even give one step, but in Christ, we can walk, and run, to do, his will, to love God, and to love, our neighbor.

[25:17] Church of God, have you not known, have you not heard, the Lord, is the everlasting God, the creator, the creator, of the ends, of the earth.

[25:33] But they, who wait, for the Lord, shall renew, their strength. They shall mount up, with wings, like eagles. They shall run, and not be weary.

[25:44] They shall walk, and not faint. In summary, God, does not, God does not, only hear, or cry, inclined, to us, and take us out, from the pit.

[25:57] God does not, only put, put in the rug, and secure, our steps, but also, he put a new song, in our heart, and mouth, in order, to worship him, and to know, that all delight, and satisfaction, is in Christ, alone.

[26:18] Do you enjoy, worship him? Do you love, to sing songs, not just here, on Sunday morning, on Sunday evening, but also, in the midst, of your problems, in the midst, of your anxiety?

[26:34] For me, these past, two weeks, have been so, so busy, with many problems, back in Chile, the political situation, has been really bad, churches, have been destroyed, and, and, and I know that, as church, we are experiencing, this time, of, of, your father, has been, bad times, a friend, of just, 53 years old, just died, two Sundays ago, of cancer, he realized, that he had cancer, just, three months ago, the church, of Christ, in the midst, of all this, God, has everything, under, his providential, care, and control, his sovereign, and our life, does not depend, on anxiety, or, bad times, even, in our battles, against some kind, of secret sins, that you are facing, every day, our life, is hidden, in Christ, so, he is our, delight, he is our joy, he is everything, for us, and finally, the last point, we glorify God, when we understand, that his work, in us, points out, to the glory, of Christ, and the edification, of his church, the purpose, of God's work, in our hearts, and lives, is not centered, in us, so, his work, is not about you, you are, you and I, we are not the son, of the galaxy, no,

[28:29] God, works in our hearts, even we are, in the pit of destruction, to know, and experience, the glory, of the person, and the work, of Christ, so, God uses, all those, bad circumstances, darkest days, battles, burdens, to have, a fellowship, to live, this reality, of fellowship, and communion, with Christ, Christ, that inclined, to us, to the point, of assuming, a human nature, he came, to our pits, of destruction, and he, in his body, and soul, experienced, the destruction, of the judgment, and the roar, of waters, of the judgment, of God, in our place, Jesus Christ, suffered, the hell, that we deserve, of our sin, of our rebellion,

[29:31] Christ, is our rock, Christ, is the rock, that was broken, to experience, his living waters, and now, in heaven, with his resurrected body, is the eternal, unbroken rock, who is ready, to save, those who have, who have, broken hearts, he is in heaven, right now, praying for you, praying for me, Christ works, in our hearts, to see his glory, and also, for the edification, of others, for the edification, of the church, one of the greatest, consequences, of the work of God, in our desperate heart, in our suffering heart, is that others, according to this psalm, verse 3, many will see, and fear, and put their trust, in the Lord, a beauty wave, of evangelism, is developed, when broken hearts, when broken families, when broken, when broken lives, who have seen, and have, and experienced, the work of Christ, in their life, show to others, their great God, that's one of the best ways, for evangelism, evangelism, we are not working, for Jesus,

[31:02] Christ is working, in our hearts, in order that others, may see, the great God, that we really have, that our God is real, because we are dealing, with real stuff, we are dealing, with problems, we are dealing, with problems, in our marriage, in our families, in the church, those are real problems, but we have, a real God, who is under control, of everything, he's controlling, everything, for his glory, and God, uses, those times, to show, his glory, to us, to restore, to, heal, our hearts, in order that, others, may see, our great God, do you want, to see other people, fearing, and trusting, in the Lord, do you want, to see a revival, here in Livingston, and not just, here in Livingston, but in Scotland, in one of the most, liberal countries, some people, back in South America, told me, hey, are you going, to Scotland, yes, why not, but that, country is so liberal, but I say, hey,

[32:14] God is sovereign, so do you want, to see a revival, again, here in Scotland, if you want, to see a revival, we must, experience, fears, maybe, a wee revival, but an, an important revival, in our heart, in our life, in our relationship, with our wives, or, children, or, here in the church, do you want, to see other people, fear and trusting, the Lord, here in Livingston, do you, do we want, to see broken people, restored, by the gospel, so we must, first, see and experience, the gospel, in our hearts, even, even more, in our bad days, if anybody here, right now, is battling, with, is battling, with some sin, if anybody here, is in the midst, or is in a pit, of destruction, let me tell you this, that this is, this is the best moment, to see, and experience, the grace, and the power of God, again, to glorify God, and for the, edification, of his church, amen, so let's pray,

[33:31] Father, we come to you, knowing that, we have sinned, against you, because we want to, try to find, any solution, through, legalism, through, through, doing, works, and doing, some things, some stuff, but we haven't stopped, and, waited for you, so, oh God, we pray, that you must, you may send, you may send, your Holy Spirit, to live, this reality, we recognize, that we are, we are living, and we are experiencing, bad moments, or circumstances, right now, but we recognize, also, that the main problem, is not outside of us, but inside of us, that the problem, is in our hearts, right now, so,

[34:52] Father, we pray, that you may, guide us, to love you more, to know, that this, very moment, right now, is the best moment, to experience, again, your fellowship, your love, remind us, to go, to our secret place, and to seek, your face, oh God, we are so ready, to, seek, to seek, solutions, for everything, but we haven't, stopped, in order to see, and to seek, your face, Father, we pray, and I pray, for, for our lives, for your church, right now, for this congregation, may you lead us, to, experience, this fellowship, with you, with your son, to really know, that, for us, to live, is, Christ, thank you, Father, for the gospel, thank you, for Jesus Christ, our rock, the rock of ages, good for me, let me hide myself, in the, thank you, for your son,

[36:08] Jesus Christ, Father, we want to, taste, this, and we want to, drink from, this living waters, bring, a revival, again, in our hearts, in this congregation, in this place, in Livingstone, in Edinburgh, in Scotland, in your worldwide church, oh God, we need you more, we need you, oh God, thanks for your holy word, thank you, because, it's, during this, this bad time, or circumstances, that you're ready, to, hear or cry, for help, and to realize, oh God, that, we are united, to you, thanks for this, for this, reality of the gospel, we are so, grateful for, your son, Jesus Christ, in your name, we pray, for your glory, amen, amen, so,