[0:00] In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Throughout my life, I've heard a lot of people, even a lot of Christians, say something like, Well, you know, in the Old Testament, God is all judgment and wrath.
[0:22] But in the New Testament, God is all mercy and love. As if the God of the Old Testament and the God of the New Testament are two completely different gods.
[0:36] Which, of course, is wrong. And an absolutely heretical thing to say. Because the God of the Old Testament and the God of the New is really the same God.
[0:51] For Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. It's just that the Old Testament covers a lot more time and a lot more history than the New Testament.
[1:07] So we naturally have a lot more examples of God's judgment and wrath in the Old Testament than we do in the New. But that's not to say that we don't have examples of God's judgment and wrath against sin in the New Testament as well.
[1:25] Take, for example, this morning's gospel reading.
[2:00] And in 70 AD. And in 70 AD.
[2:18] About 40 years after our Lord said these words. That is exactly what happened to the city of Jerusalem. The Roman Empire.
[2:29] The Roman Empire surrounded the city. And in time leveled it to the ground. Killing many of its inhabitants and destroying even the second temple of Jerusalem.
[2:41] And the process. For the same God who in the Old Testament saw the wickedness of man and grieved in his heart over the conditions of the world.
[2:55] Before the days of Noah and the flood. Before the days of Noah and the flood. Before the days of Noah and the flood. Is the very same God who in the New Testament. Saw the unbelief of the city of Jerusalem.
[3:07] And wept over it. Before Rome leveled it to the ground. Forty years later. For the same God who in the New Testament.
[3:19] Drove out all the money changers from the temple. Is the very same God who in the Old Testament. Told his people to drive out all the idolaters.
[3:31] From the promised land. For the God of the Old Testament. Is the very same God. As the God of the New Testament.
[3:42] His moral judgments against sin. Have not changed. And his love of holiness and righteousness. Remains the same.
[3:55] For in the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus even said. Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. For I have not come to abolish them.
[4:08] But to fulfill them. For truly I say to you. Until heaven and earth pass away. Not one iota. And not one dot.
[4:19] Will pass from the law. Until all is fulfilled. Therefore whoever relaxes. One of the least of these commandments. And teaches others.
[4:31] To do the same. Will be called least. In the kingdom of heaven. But whoever does them. And teaches men to do the same.
[4:42] Will be called greatest. In the kingdom of heaven. And trust me. No other words in all the Holy Scripture.
[4:53] Probably fills my heart with more fear and trembling. Than those words. Because I am well aware of all my past indiscretions.
[5:04] And personal shortcomings. As was Saint Paul. And all the saints who have gone before us. But I also know that that is why God has given each one of us here.
[5:17] His grace. And grace is not an excuse to sin all the more. But grace is actually the God given strength.
[5:29] To pursue holiness. And to rise from the depths of sin and despair. In order to live before God. In perfect righteousness. And peace.
[5:41] Forever. Forever. For grace is the God given strength. To get past. Whatever obstacles it is. In this life. We might face.
[5:52] And to press on towards. Our ultimate goal. Which is to become. More and more Christ like. Which is to become.
[6:03] More and more. Like a holy and righteous. Child of God. Because as Christians. We really need to stop playing the victim.
[6:17] And start actively believing. And practicing. What Saint Paul says. In Romans chapter 8. That we are more than conquerors. Through him who loved us.
[6:31] Because as Christians. We need to stop blaming others. When our world goes dark. And start remembering the words of our Lord.
[6:41] Who said. You. You. Are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill. Cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp.
[6:53] And put it under a basket. But on a lamp stand. And it gives light to all. Who are in the house. So let your light shine before men. That they may see your good works.
[7:06] And glorify your father. Who is in heaven. For that. That was God's will. For all of his people.
[7:16] Who lived under the old covenant. And that is God's will. For all of his people. Who now live under the new covenant. Today. For the only.
[7:28] Only difference. Between us. And them. Is that we now experience. In this life. What they now experience.
[7:39] Only on the other side. Of glory. The sacramental union. Between God and man. And the life. Death. And resurrection. Of Jesus Christ.
[7:51] The long awaited Messiah. Finally come. For the God of the Old Testament. Is the very same God. As the new. His moral law.
[8:04] And his attitude. Towards sin. Has not changed. But by the grace. Which we receive today. In Christ Jesus. May we be changed.
[8:16] And may the rest of our world. Be far better for it. In the name of the Father. And of the Son. And of the Holy Ghost. Amen.