A Happy New Year

Devotional Image

Billy Graham

Jan. 1, 2022



A Happy New Year! I do hope it will be a brilliant one for you, and that you will enjoy God's company in the days ahead that he gives you. New Year's Day is usually a happy family day and one when we look ahead to things that we hope to do or places that we might like to visit. We make plans and maybe dream dreams of what we would like to happen. We may even be rash enough to make resolutions about habits to leave behind and new (better!) ones we are determined to carry out. Whatever it is, enjoy the day and commit the year to the Lord.

The verse at the top of the page was first given to Joshua, who had become the successor to Moses and who was just going to lead the people of Israel into the promised land. But it is also a wonderful promise for us too. Christians know that they are loved by God, that he cares for them individually, and knows them through and through.

So it is just great to know he will go before us into this new year and he will never fail us nor forsake us. He is our loving, Heavenly Father and Jesus is our great and good elder Brother. If you are a Christian, just rejoice in these great truths. If you are not yet a Christian, why not start this New Year by giving your heart to Christ and asking him to become your Saviour? It is the best thing you could ever do. God bless you.