Why I Am A Christian

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Jon Watson

Jan. 3, 2022



Three times in the book of Acts Paul the apostle tells how he became a Christian. In Acts 26:1-32 Paul's testimony comes in four steps that are very helpful for us, if we are Christians and want to tell others why we are believers in Jesus.

Step 1. What we were.
Paul tells about his past in verses 1-10. We all have a past — maybe not as colourful as Paul's but it is a past that needs to come under the searching gaze of the holy God.

Step 2. What we needed.
Paul needed to be changed. He had been persecuting Christians, fighting against Christ Jesus, thinking he was pleasing God. We too need to be changed. We have all sinned against God and it is only God who is able to make us change in the way that is needed.

Step 3. What happened.
Paul met with Jesus and his life was changed for ever. This is what happens to every Christian when we meet with Jesus as our Saviour and Lord.

Step 4. The new life in Christ.
Paul was given a job to do by Jesus and he carried it out faithfully. We too, as Christians, have a job to do for Jesus — to tell others who he is and how he can change their lives too.


Dear Lord, help me to follow you day by day, and be obedient to your vision for my life. Amen