It's Miserable Being Miserable!

Devotional Image

Jon Watson

Aug. 16, 2022



Just suppose you broke one of the most precious ornaments in the house and put it where it wasn't easily seen and told no one about it. Would you feel happy? I'm sure not. You would feel miserable.

David who wrote Psalm 32 was feeling miserable over something that he had done. He doesn't tell us what it was — it was obviously something that was very wrong in God's eyes. To begin with David tried to brazen things out as if what he had done was hidden from God. But he felt miserable. In verses 1 and 2 he uses three different word for the sinful things he had done, and he would have said as a result "It's miserable being miserable... When I kept it inside, my bones turned to powder... the pressure never gave up". (Vs 3 - 4. The Message).

So what did David do? He confessed to God what he had done — he let it all out and a great burden was lifted from him, he felt free. It happens that way with us too when we own up to a wrong we have done and receive forgiveness — being miserable turned to a great relief. Each of us must confess to God the sin that is in our hearts and minds. We will be miserable as long as we don't do this. But when we do we will find "the pressure was gone, my guilt disappeared, my sin was gone." (V 5 - The Message)


Dear Lord, help me to confess my sin and to receive your forgiveness.