The Storms Of Life

Devotional Image
July 14, 2022



July can give us hot sunny days and warm winds. But in winter we can have a period of storms. So often during such times the cold, wind and rain, sleet or snow get people moaning about the terrible weather. The warm sunny days of summer are soon forgotten!

Nowadays names are often given to big rough storms. The wind mentioned in the verse at the top of the page also had a name which is described as 'the north-easter', but was name Eurakylon. Even today sailors in the region where Paul was in a ship know that they must be careful of this wind.

Storms are often described in the Bible and they can be pictures of what sometimes happens to us in our lives — storms of illness, sorrow, disappointment can overwhelm us and we need help comfort and encouragement so that we don't get shipwrecked, as happened to Paul on three occasions.

The Gospels tell us of a severe storm on the Sea of Galilee when Jesus was in a boat with his disciples. The disciples, most of them fishermen, thought they were going to drown until Jesus rose and 'rebuked' the wind and the waves and there was a great calm. That is a wonderful picture for us in our storms of life. Ask Jesus to help, share your burden with him and look for guidance and comfort in the Bible, the Word of God. He care for you and he loves you.


Dear Lord, help me to commit my way to you when I feel bruised by the storms in my life. Amen.