It does your heart good to hear a great song sung well by a big choir. All the voices are balanced so that the harmony comes through and you just feel you were there among them singing your heart out!
Psalm 45 is a great song. It is a love song, a praise song and it was meant to be sung by a good choir. No doubt there would have been all kinds of musical instruments adding to the joy of the occasion for the psalm was first written for a wedding. The psalm is praising a king on his marriage to a beautiful princess. But the psalm has an even greater subject than the marriage of a local king — the noble theme is about the Ideal King who would come at the right time to be the great Saviour of the people of God. That Ideal King is the Lord Jesus Christ.
As Christians we love to sing the praises of our Lord Jesus and so we should remembering that he is the eternal Son of God and King of the universe. Yet he humbled himself even to go to the Cross as the Lamb of God who died in our place.
Let us praise and join the chorus <br>
Of the saints enthroned on high;<br>
Here they trusted him before us - <br>
Now their praises fill the sky: <br>
'You have freed us by your blood <br>
You are worthy, Lamb of God!'<br> (John Newton)
Lord Jesus, help me to praise you as I ought to do for all that you have done for me, and help me to crown you as the King of my life and give you all the glory, Amen.