Are You At The Best School?

Devotional Image
May 28, 2022



Are you at the best school? And I should also ask are you an attentive pupil? The best school is one that each of us can attend and it has the best teacher anyone could have. In this school there is an emphasis on knowledge, wisdom and guidance. Of course the best time to start in this school is when we are very young but one of the great things about it is that we can we can even start attending it when we are very old and we can keep attending it all the days of our life — life-long learning.

There is one main textbook and that is the Bible.

The knowledge we learn is the knowledge of God, not just to know about him but to come to know him in a personal way by trusting him and obeying him.

The wisdom that is taught shows us the greatness and the holiness of God. To get this wisdom we have to be humble before God and be willing to have our minds turned to what God's word, the Bible, teaches us. It points us to the Lord Jesus Chris for salvation and forgiveness.

The guidance we receive is how to live each day in a way that is pleasing to God. The Lord Jesus Christ is our great example in this.


Thankyou Lord Jesus for being the Way, the Truth and the Life that I should follow. Amen.