Here I Stand!

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Tom Davis

May 20, 2022



One of the great moments of history occurred on 18th April 1521 when the reformer Martin Luther had to appear before some of the most powerful leaders of the Roman Catholic Church and the most powerful ruler in Europe to answer for what he had written against the Papacy and the abuses in the church at that time. When challenged to apologise and acknowledge that he was wrong Luther with tremendous courage said "It cannot be right for a Christian to speak against his conscience. Here I stand, and can say no more: God help me. Amen". That moment changed the history of Europe and eventually that of the western world.

It takes courage to stand up for Jesus Christ against those who do not follow him or the truth of God which the Bible makes known to us. David the psalm-writer was tempted to run away from the trouble that was surrounding him. But he said he had run to the safest place in the world "straight to the arms of God" (v1). That is still the best place to be and that is where we find the courage to take a stand for Jesus.

Do you know someone to whom God wants you to speak a word of Gospel truth but you are nervous about it?


Dear Lord Jesus, help me to have the courage to stand up for you and to tell others about the Gospel of your grace and salvation. Amen.

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