Does God Care When I Am In Trouble?

Devotional Image

Jon Watson

Sept. 1, 2022



Does God care when I am in trouble? Of course he does! Very often Christian people find themselves in deep trouble an for different reasons. Maybe we are bullied because we are Christians: people often despise Christians when they stand up for issues that go against what the Bible says: e.g. practices like abortion, same-sex marriage, and euthanasia. Sometimes too Christians become overwhelmed with a sense of guilt and shame if they deliberately did a wrong thing and God convicts them of their sin.

David who wrote Psalm 35 was in deep trouble because of the many people who seemed to be 'having it in for him' at that time. But his main problem was just the same as our problem is: "Does God care for me when I am in such trouble? "How long, O Lord, will you look on?" Certainly help may seem to be a long time in coming when our hearts and consciences are hurting and God seems far away from us.

But as Christians we must always remember that God loves us with an everlasting love — a love that does not change. We may feel God is far from us but that may be because we feel ashamed in his presence if we have done something wrong or if we are being victimised for standing up for the truth.

But we can safely leave God to deal with our foes and we can confess our sin and be washed clean again. Always remember God loves and cares for you his child.