[0:00] Would you please turn in your Bible to John chapter 14.
[0:30] John chapter 14 verse 31.
[0:49] These are the words of Jesus to his disciples.
[1:01] And we are reminded just before I read verse 31. That when people speak of direction through life. What direction do I take through life?
[1:11] What guidance do I have? Guidance is a person. It's not a direction. Guidance is a person. It's not a direction. Guidance. Jesus says I am the way.
[1:23] I am the way. So we don't look for guidance from God. In the sense of where do I turn? What do I do? Jesus is the guidance. Guidance is a person.
[1:34] The same with truth. What is truth? Well truth again is not a formulation of several ideas. Truth is a person. Jesus says I am the truth.
[1:45] And so when it comes to knowing how to walk. Knowing how to be guided through this life and this world. Jesus is the way.
[1:55] Guidance is a person. Jesus is the way. Jesus is the truth. The truth is a person. And life of course is not physical existence. But life is Christ.
[2:08] Now this is what Jesus has just been telling his disciples. And of course like all disciples they are a bit slow to understand. That guidance is in a person.
[2:19] That truth is a person. That life is in a person. But by our union with Christ. That is by belonging to him. We are guided by God. We live in the truth.
[2:30] And we have life forever more. All those three are a person. And then in verse 31. This is how Jesus explains. Why he does what he does.
[2:44] And he says. But I do. As the father has commanded me. So that the world may know. That I love the father. Rise.
[2:55] Let us go from here. I do. As the father commanded me. So that the world may know. That I love.
[3:06] The father. Rise. Let us go from here. There is nothing wrong. With explaining the cross. In God's demonstration of love for you.
[3:19] There is nothing wrong whatsoever. In explaining the cross of Christ. In his resurrection. As God's divine love. For you. But as Jesus clearly states here.
[3:32] That the reason he obeys the father. Is so that the world would know. That Jesus loves. God the father. Jesus goes to the cross.
[3:44] Why? Because he loves God the father. Jesus obeys the will of God on earth. Why? Because he loves. God the father. But why does he do it? Well he does it because he wants you to know.
[3:56] That he loves the father. Does he love you? Of course he does. Does God love you? Yeah God so loved you. So loved the world. That he sent forth his only son.
[4:09] Because he loves you. And Jesus obeys the father. Because he wants the world to know. What it looks like.
[4:20] To love God. Now over 12 years ago. I brought my first message here. Does anyone remember what it was? No. Yeah.
[4:35] I'm not asking you. It was on Zacchaeus. And I said it seems as if we live in a world. Where no one is interested in Christianity. No one is interested in Christ.
[4:46] Nobody wants to know the message of the gospel. And I basically said from Romans 3. They never have. The world has never been interested in God.
[4:57] Since the fall. No one seeks God. They seek after the things of God. They even ask God for things. But they're not actually wanting God. They're like the prodigal son.
[5:08] Who wants what the father has. But without the father. And yet the point of Zacchaeus. Zacchaeus is the rich man that gets through the eye of the needle.
[5:20] Compared to the rich ruler earlier. Who doesn't follow Jesus. Because he loved his wealth so much. And what Luke is showing us. Is that actually the real rich ruler.
[5:33] Is the one that laid aside his majesty. Gave up everything for me. Suffered at the hands of those he created. Taking all my guilt and shame.
[5:44] In his death. And in his resurrection. Jesus is the rich ruler. Who isn't found climbing a tree like Zacchaeus. To see Jesus. But who hangs on a tree.
[5:57] At the end of the gospel of Luke. Because he is the one. Who has come to seek and to save the lost. That was the message I gave. On the very first Sunday. That I came here.
[6:07] Over 12 years ago. That the church must never forget. That the true seeker and savior. Is not people. But Jesus. Our confidence has never been.
[6:19] In people being interested in God. Our confidence is in the fact. That God loves people. And the reason we can continue. To proclaim the gospel. Whether or not people are interested in Christ.
[6:31] Or not. Makes no difference. Christ is interested in them. Christ comes to Zacchaeus up a tree. And says. I have come to seek and to save.
[6:43] That which was lost. He is the real rich ruler. Who gave up his wealth. Unlike the other one. And at the end of Luke's gospel. He is the one on a tree. Dying for the sins.
[6:55] Of you and I. That was the message. So what I would like to do. This morning. Is not sort of give a melody. Of messages. But rather just to explain.
[7:07] To you again. The very basics. Of why you can have confidence. In the gospel. And why. Your confidence in the gospel. Is the thing.
[7:18] That will keep you sharing the gospel. And never be embarrassed. To share the gospel. With your daughter. Your husband. If they're not saved. Or your brother. Or your sister. Or your auntie.
[7:28] Or your uncle. Or even your next door neighbor. Or your work colleague. That you will never be embarrassed. Why? Because what you're actually sharing. With them. Is the fact.
[7:39] That despite. Whether or not. They are interested. It doesn't matter. God is interested. In them. Now. Several months ago. I wrote. A little book.
[7:50] Which I gave to the church. For free. Called all of life. And it was a summary. Of the course. That we've run. Here in the course. Called in the church. Called knowing Christianity. And those who have done the course.
[8:02] And those who have led it with me. I mean. Carol led. The children's course. With me. And it starts off. With the very same. Basic question. That you have to realize.
[8:14] That God. Is in need. Of nothing. He doesn't need the world. He doesn't need that. Which is in the world. He doesn't need you. He doesn't need me.
[8:26] God. God is in need. Of nothing. And that is the foundation. Of the good news. Because it begs the question. Well if God doesn't need me.
[8:38] What does he want with me? And there's your answer. God wants you. And I can tell you now. Having met a number of different people.
[8:49] From different backgrounds. Some who have a lot. Some who have little. Some who have deep scars. Emotional scars. In their history. And some who have none. That the one thing.
[9:00] That all people want. In the very core of their soul. Is they want to be wanted. It's good to be needed. But at the very heart. Of every individual.
[9:12] Is that they want. To be wanted. And so here we have a God. Who demonstrate. Or the God. Who demonstrates to us. Through his son.
[9:23] That he wants you. By giving his son. For you. God loves you so much. That it's not because he needs you.
[9:34] For anything. But it's because he wants you. To come and share. In him. So if you forget. Everything else.
[9:44] At least. As we're to start. When it comes to sharing a gospel. That you should never be embarrassed about. Start with the realization. That you're not needed by God. But you're wanted.
[9:58] And everyone. Would rather be wanted. Than needed. Everyone. Whether they want to accept it or not. Given the emotional scars. That they may have.
[10:09] Deep down. Want to be wanted. Wanted. And God. Want you. And God. Is the only person. Who will ever want you perfectly.
[10:20] And God. Is the only person. Who will ever love you. Perfectly. God. Is the only one. Without question. That will want you.
[10:31] Because he made you. Because you're his. Made in his. Image. Now of course. God provides for us.
[10:42] In different ways. One of the ways. That he does provide for us. Is by enabling us. To be able to provide. For ourselves. You know. He gives us work. He gives us skills. He gives us abilities.
[10:52] And then we go and use them. But then too often. When we start acquiring. Things with our hands. And we realize. That we can do these things. It's so easy. For our love. For God.
[11:04] To diminish. Because now. We love what God. Is given to us. More than the God. Who gave them to us. That we fall into. This prodigal state. Or as.
[11:14] Codd Mather. Once said. That forget. Faithfulness. Begat prosperity. And the daughter. Devoured the mother. In other words. That sometimes. The church. Enjoys the blessings.
[11:25] Of God. So much. They forget. The God. Who gave them. And. When they forget. The God. Who gave them. They then destroy.
[11:35] The blessings of God. Because they are no longer. Faithful. To him. I want you to recognize. That as a church. That God loves you. That you are wanted.
[11:47] By God. But God is a God. Who loves you. In such a way. That you would understand. That you are not. Beyond correction. And therefore.
[11:58] When you live. Your Christian life. You must recognize. That the blessings. That you experience. Are blessings. From God. Not the work. Of your own hands. Or your own endeavors.
[12:10] But they come to you. From God. Even the very skills. That you have. To bring about. The blessings. That you have. Even towards each other. Are given to you. By God.
[12:22] So remember. That God. Who is in need. Of nothing. Wants you. Not because you're needed. But because you are wanted. And he is the person.
[12:33] Who will never. Ever. Stop. Wanting you. I tell the story. As people get married. And. Of. What it's like.
[12:43] When you get married. And. It's a real testing period. Of. The quality. Of someone's love. And I often say to men. Especially. My brother.
[12:54] Earlier last year. Who was getting married. And I give the sermon. And I made the point. Tim. If your wife. Ever. Asks you. Why. Do you love. Me. Think first.
[13:10] Do not. Say. I love you. Because your hair looks great. Do not say. Because. I love you. Because. The dress. That you wear. Or the size. That you are.
[13:21] Or the complexion. That you have. Because your wife. Is smart enough. To realize. There's going to come a day. Where she no longer. Has any of those things. And then she's going to ask you.
[13:32] The question again. Why do you love me? And you're not going to be able. To point to her nice hair. You're not going to be able. To point to her size. Because she's. Large enough. Than she was. When you first married her. That's not a reference.
[13:44] That's just. An illustration. The point is. Is that. If you understand love. As for reasons. Found in you.
[13:55] You are never going to appreciate. The love of God for you. Because you're going to think. It has something to do. With how much you pray. Or how well you serve.
[14:05] Or what you look like. Or what you say. Or what you do. And it has nothing to do with that. It has to do with the God. Who loves you. Because he loves you. Just because he loves you.
[14:16] In other words. Every reason for God loving you. Is found in him. Not in you. The beauty in you. Is the image of God.
[14:26] That's why you're beautiful. You cannot be. Any more perfect. Than what you are right now. Because you belong. To Christ. Jesus.
[14:39] So understand. That you're not a people. Who are needed. And that's good news. Rather you're a people. Who are wanted. By God.
[14:51] Therefore understand this point. That life. With God. Is relationship. It's not. Physical enjoyment. Now of course.
[15:02] Most young people here. Are still trying to figure out. What life means. Because. The one thing. That they understand life to be. Is. What I get to enjoy.
[15:13] And what I don't enjoy. And so. As they grow up. They begin to filter through. What do I like doing. What do I not like doing. And then they begin to imagine.
[15:24] What life is like. Based on what they experience. Based on what they do. And you. As parents. Need to be able to educate your children. And say. Life. Is not found.
[15:34] In the abundance. Of things. It is found. In the person. Of Jesus. I am the way. I am the truth. And I am the.
[15:46] Life. And yet. It is so hard. Even for adults. To truly appreciate. That life does not consist. Of the things that we have.
[15:57] That actually consists. Of my relationship. With God. The only reason. I get to enjoy. The reality. Of the future.
[16:08] Is because. I belong. To Christ. Well let me put it. A slightly different way. Every single one of us here. Who belongs to Christ.
[16:20] Gets to live. All over again. We all get to live. All over again. All over again.
[16:33] There's going to be a new heavens. And don't forget. If I leave you with anything. I'll leave you with this. Don't forget. That not only are there new heavens. There is a new.
[16:45] Earth. God created you. To live in this world. Not in heaven. Perhaps he would have done that. From the beginning. And in that new earth. We will live a new life.
[16:58] All over again. But that time round. It will be. Without sin. But until that time. We are constantly going to live a life.
[17:12] Where we recognize forgiveness. Not in the terms of what can God do for me. But rather what can God undo for me. As you think of those who are unsaved.
[17:28] I stood in Westerhales Shopping Center. Handing out Gospels of John. And I've asked the question. Several times to several people. Outside the center and inside the center.
[17:41] Because there was a good manager of the center at the time. Who allowed us to stay inside. And hand out the Gospels. And I would ask the very simple question. What would you like God to do for you?
[17:53] And the answer would often come back. I don't want God to do anything for me. And then I said. Have you ever thought about going into a church? You know. And they said.
[18:03] Well what church are you from? And I said. This church. And they would say the phrase. Which I had to get an interpreter. To understand what it meant. That if I walked into that building. It would fall down.
[18:13] Which I did not know what that meant. I kind of figured out what it meant. And then I decided. It's time to change the question. Instead of asking them.
[18:25] What can God do for you? I began to ask them. What can God undo for you? Because God so loved the world. That he gave his only son. To undo.
[18:37] The sin. That you're in. Everyone has something. Something. In their life. That they have done. Thought. Or did.
[18:48] At some point. That they wish. That it never. Happened. And what the cross. Of Christ. Does. Is that it undoes it.
[19:00] In the eyes of God. It's not as if. You go back. To have never done it before. You're justified. You're even better.
[19:11] Than having never sinned. It's not that the slate. Is wiped clean. But rather. That you have become. A new person. In Christ Jesus.
[19:22] That's what it means. That you're a new person. In Christ Jesus. So you're not needed. You're wanted. And you're loved. Because of reasons.
[19:33] Found in God. Not reasons. Found in you. And forgiveness. Is explaining to you. What God undoes. And makes you. Rather than what God gives you.
[19:43] In addition to who you really are. God makes you a new person. You're a new creation. In Christ Jesus.
[19:55] And therefore. One of the most common sins. That Christians commit. In the church. Probably more frequent. Than any other. Is the sin.
[20:07] Of not believing. That you are forgiven. Of the sin of believing. I've got. All of this. Has happened in my past. I'm so much worse.
[20:19] Than anybody else. I've committed this. And everybody knows. That I've done it. The sin that you're committing.
[20:30] Is not believing. That you've been forgiven. For all of those sins. The sin that many Christians. Commit today. Is the sin. Of unbelief.
[20:41] Of not believing. That you are forgiven. In Christ Jesus. For everything that you have said. Thought. And done. In the past. In the present.
[20:53] And. The future. The past. The present. In the future. So let me. Leave you with this.
[21:04] The Lord Jesus Christ. In explaining to his disciples. Just like us. They had to understand. That the way. Was not a direction.
[21:16] A course of life. But a person. That person. Being Jesus Christ. But how do we know where to go? Well I am the way. Jesus said. But you're going to the cross.
[21:27] Can we come? No you. You can't come. Because only Christ. Could do for us. What we could not do. For ourselves. So you feel lost. As though you have no sense.
[21:40] Of direction. Or that you've made such a mess. That you don't know where your life. Actually is. Well. God. Son. Is the way. He is the truth.
[21:51] And therefore the truth is. Is that he loves you. Because he loves you. Just because he. Loves you. And he is your life. The only reason.
[22:03] You get to live again. The only reason. You get to live again. Is because. You belong to the one. Who lived. After his resurrection.
[22:14] Jesus Christ. It is a non-negotiable. All sinners must die. All sinners must die. But you can either die. Outside of Christ.
[22:26] Not belonging to him. Without the prospect. Of resurrection. To eternal life. Or you can die. In Christ. With the prospect.
[22:36] Of resurrection. To life. Evermore. With God the father. And everyone else. Who belongs. To him. There is no reason.
[22:47] For any single one of us. In this building today. To be embarrassed. About that message. To be embarrassed. About the gospel. Of the Lord Jesus Christ.
[23:00] It is not an embarrassing message. And it is not one. That you should be embarrassed with. So I'll finish with these words. The words of Christ. But I do.
[23:11] As the father commanded me. So that the world. May know. That I love the father. Amen. Now to him.
[23:28] Who is able to keep you. From stumbling. And to present you. Blameless. Before the presence. Of his glory. With great joy. To the only God.
[23:39] Our savior. Through Jesus Christ. Our Lord. Be glory. Majesty. Dominion. And authority. Before all time. And now. And forevermore. Amen.