[0:00] Today's reading is Psalm 2. Why do the nations conspire and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers gather together against the Lord and against his anointed one.
[0:13] Let us break their chains, they say, and throw off their fetters. The one enthroned in heaven laughs, the Lord scoffs at them. Then he rebukes them in his anger and terrifies them in his wrath, saying, I have installed my king on Zion, on my holy hill.
[0:30] I will proclaim the decree of the Lord. He said to me, You are my son. Today I have become your father. Ask of me and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession.
[0:44] You will rule them with an iron scepter. You will dash them to pieces like pottery. Therefore, you kings, be wise. Be warned, you rulers of the earth.
[0:56] Serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the son, lest he be angry and you be destroyed in your way, for his wrath can flare up in a moment. Blessed are all who take refuge in him.
[1:07] Thank you to everybody for participating in the service this morning.
[1:26] Singers, Ian, Phil, you're a star. At the back there, thank you to Carol too. My knees are creaking a wee bit these days as well. It's not just you, Gerald.
[1:40] Let's pray together. Speak to us, Lord, as we search scripture for a message, a message from you.
[1:54] Help us, O Lord, to hear your precious voice and to honour you as you should be. In Jesus' name.
[2:08] Amen. Thank you, Suzanne, for reading. Thank you very much. Okay.
[2:19] So, this is Psalm 2 that we've read this morning. I'm just going to recap on two weeks ago. I'm sure you remember what I was talking about.
[2:29] So, the world, as Gerald mentioned in his prayer, the world has a history of rulers and leaders and individuals that basically are trying to conquer the world.
[2:46] Sound familiar already? Some are favourable and some simply are not. His king or government or nation that tries to be the strongest power it possibly can.
[3:05] Wars have been fought and indeed wars are still sadly being fought. Innocent people, innocent lives have died. But for what?
[3:19] Trying to conquer the world? Trying to conquer another country? Thank you. In modern society, we have this man.
[3:32] I'm not going to speak but we've got this guy. Donald Trump. Him and his white teeth. The president of the United States of America.
[3:47] The good old U.S. of A. It kind of feels a wee bit like this guy's trying to take over the world. A few years ago, he came to Scotland.
[4:00] Built a golf club. Two golf clubs, I'm led to believe. Has a couple of hotels. Very high end.
[4:12] And then he goes back to America. He really is quite a character. But he is a very dominant man in the world at the moment.
[4:26] We saw that just yesterday. Take him off the screen, Phil, will you please? Thank you, mate. Okay.
[4:37] So a couple of weeks ago, we had a look together at Psalm 1. We looked at the first incomparable treasure, as Dietrich Bonhoeffer put it. We looked at how the righteous will prosper.
[4:55] And on the other hand, how the wicked will perish. And as discussed a couple of weeks ago, I'm sure we all want to be in the assembly of the righteous.
[5:10] We want to please God by living a holy life before him. Remember the blessed person or the blessed person.
[5:25] a happy person. And remember I said also that the first two Psalms are connected.
[5:38] Although obviously I've broken them up. Psalm 1 a couple of weeks ago. Psalm 2 today. So Psalm 1 and 2 are basically an introduction.
[5:50] An introduction into the book of Psalms. Well this week we're going to look at Psalm 2 which I'm sure after Suzanne read it this morning you will agree that it certainly has unexpected power.
[6:14] I understand again that there's not a specific author for this Psalm. Although it would certainly be connected through Acts to David.
[6:25] in Psalm 1 if we look at Psalm 1 together this was a person a man in the singular sense one individual but in Psalm 2 we're talking about nations we're talking about a multitude of people it's plural people so in Psalm 2 we read about the masses the nations the peoples and the kings the Psalm talks more of worldly affairs that actually are happening right now the worldly affairs of the nations that are completely out with an individual's control but we have a powerful and we have a mighty
[7:29] God now as Richard said last week it would be Psalm 2 is a messianic Psalm a royal Psalm it's even been called a coronation Psalm parts of it like other Psalms are mentioned in other parts of scripture you find it all over scripture for example in Acts 4 25 and 26 or Hebrews 1 verse 5 now just physically you can see that this Psalm is broken down into individual parts four parts of three verses and this Psalm is really about the fact that ultimately God is in control not nations peoples and kings or Donald
[8:36] Trump so we do however in this passage have a description of the hatred of human nature by kings rulers and nations against God so I'm just going to break this Psalm down into its four parts and we'll look at each together so let's have a closer look the first section is obviously verses one to three and I've entitled this section this is what the rebels say why do the nations conspire and the people plot in vain it's a question it kicks off this passage with a why but it's a rhetorical question because God is more powerful than the nations he's more powerful than the kings and the peoples within it and really it highlights how weak and feeble they are in comparison to almighty
[10:00] God here the nations think that they're more powerful than they really are and that they are in charge when they certainly are not peoples kings nations rulers conspire they make secret plans they make these plans to try and harm almighty God they plot evil against God they think they're more powerful than God when they join together we hear people say are we stronger together normally yes but in this case definitely not God and his anointed one are far more powerful than they are do they seriously think they're stronger than almighty
[11:09] God do you think together they can break or defeat God this isn't a simple dislike here or a grudge no this is total hatred rulers and nations join together in hatred in order to overcome and destroy God they are not happy or blessed with God and verse three states what they're unhappy about they feel as though they are chained up that they're in fetters or shackles they feel restrained by God against their will and they want to break free from
[12:15] God's power and go their own way so can they can they really cast away the shackles the cords the fetters the chains no no no they can't God's too powerful for that even if the devil has allies God is more powerful but they're not happy they think God's rule is bad they think it's a bad thing God's rule to them is restricting them and they want their freedom but God is not going to give them that freedom they are saying that they can conquer God by being released from the chains but God is in control we only need to switch on the television it's not called the box anymore
[13:25] I learnt two weeks ago we just need to switch the telly on to see the nations conspiring and plotting it's all over the newspapers do they have newspapers these days or is it all online but it's true isn't it front page news we simply need to step out the door of our own home or we can go out that door at the front of the church and we'll see what is happening to our nations or nation God's name is used in vain so often today that it simply rolls off the tongue and nobody even seems to care about it you don't think about it at all this is total rebellion against
[14:33] God and where did the rebellion start in the garden of Eden with Adam and Eve they rebelled against God when approached by the serpent Adam and Eve thought that God's rule isn't that good and they listened to the devil instead they ate the apple that's when sin entered the world Genesis 3 read it later we do remember the serpent no speaking to Eve and they ate the fruit what happened their eyes were opened and they realized they were naked and what did they do try and do you try to hide from God you can't hide from
[15:35] God it's impossible God is a good ruler but the nations and humanity or some of do not believe that they feel as though they're in the chains but this is simply futile it's futile rebellion against God and here in Psalm 2 the Psalmist knows that they cannot be overcome by this so in this section verse 1 to 3 we focused on what the rebels say and how they're restricted by God it's pretty brutal eh powerful stuff let's move on to the next section this part is what the
[16:40] Lord says we've heard what the rebels say now let's hear what the Lord says the one enthroned in heaven laughs the Lord scoffs at them is God scared what is God's response fear no chance God laughs laughs at the futile rebellion God is not faced by this one little bit he's not faced at all even all the nations joining together cannot overcome God but God takes this rebellion very seriously in fact it's safe to say that
[17:41] God takes all rebellion! very seriously God isn't laughing at the fact that they have sinned sin is very serious we try as Christians to refrain from sinning but sometimes we do it and we don't even realize we are doing it we confessed our sin in our prayers earlier on so God is laughing at the fact that nations think that God can be overthrown almost as if to say don't be so ridiculous in this case the
[18:42] Lord laughing and scoffing signifies God humiliating his enemies God hasn't tried to rise up against the enemy he despises them they are of the devil but God knows their way is futile!
[19:06] In verse 5 God rebukes God disapproves of them to be honest with you it's a lot stronger than disapproves God terrifies them God is angry at the rebellion and he's going to do something about it so what does God do about this rebellion he speaks verse 6 our creator God in this case I installs his king on the holy hill that is Zion that's God's answer to the rebellion
[20:08] God first said let there be light and there was light and the light was good what God says happens so who is the king who is the king that's going to be placed on Zion so our next section is what the king says you are my son and God is his father so this is a different king from the kings that I've mentioned that are of the devil so we realize that now somebody else is introduced into the equation somebody else comes forward the anointed one the messiah the sovereign one who are we talking about
[21:14] Jesus God's king on Zion verse eight Jesus is going to rule all people not just his own there is not going to be all the rulers mentioned earlier there is only one Jesus Christ God will rule supreme through his son Jesus hallelujah and how so how's he going to do this how's he going to rule verse nine you will rule them with an iron scepter or staff held by the one in authority i.e.
[22:17] Jesus and here it says he'll use the staff or the rod the iron rod to smash like pottery so there we've got a simile saying something he will dash them to pieces it's there in scripture the judgment this is judgment judgment will come is there justice for the nations who rebel yes Jesus Christ Jesus Christ can do far more than we can ever think so this is God's judgment God will judge the rebels!
[23:11] God will judge the rebels again it's quite brutal iron staff smashing pottery the pottery doesn't stand a chance and this is like this is our loving God iron staff or iron rod and pottery in other parts of scripture in Isaiah 30 in Revelation 2 the same illustration!
[23:53] occurs in Jeremiah God will break the people in other Psalms God crushes people in Job he shatters it's like that children's song isn't it?
[24:18] okay let's go to the last section this is what the psalmist says so the scene changes in verse 10 to 12 the fierceness and the aggression of this psalm really has been powerful and explosive surprisingly so this is scripture we sang Jesus loves me this I know and then we get the brutality the surprising psalm of psalm 2 the disobedient rebels are told to obey the king they are warned that they should be wise it's written here they should obey
[25:25] God and his commands warfare against God is always going to be unsuccessful faithful it will always fail and God will always prevail in verse 11 they are told to serve the Lord with fear and rejoice in trembling they are to serve the one and only true God to get on their knees and pray to God to worship God in spirit and in truth and to obey him only not the nations not the rulers the rebellion must stop they must be reconciled they must be drawn back to
[26:27] God to restore their relationship with God not worldly things God's kingdom cannot be shaken in the final verse in Psalm 2 we all know we all know that this book scripture we all know that this is a love story it shows God's agape love for us everyone sitting here this morning God loves you Carol said earlier so I'm giving another children's talk we know that the Bible is a love story showing us
[27:27] God's agape love it's written by God for his people through various authors Richard was speaking about kissing in the book of Song of Songs last week don't worry I'm not going to test you can you remember how many points there were good you're listening well done whoever's coming for lunch today I'm going to test you on the seven sections okay so this isn't a coincidence he preached about it last week and I'm talking about it now I don't believe that's coincidence it's God here it says we are to kiss we are to kiss the son that's a sure sign of affection and homage bowing down before
[28:36] Jesus but if you anger God he has the power to destroy like that iron like that iron rod and the pottery smashed into a million pieces you cannot and do not want God's wrath his extreme anger okay and the last piece sorry I've closed my Bible bear with me and then the last part of this chapter in chapter two let's have a look blessed blessed or blessed happy there's that great word again you are all blessed blessed are all who take refuge in him psalm one started with a blessed and psalm two finishes with a blessed blessed are all who take refuge in him what a way to finish that psalm who are the blessed it's you and me all who take refuge in our living saviour and lord all who know the protection the shelter and the security of a relationship with god put into the loving or accepted into the loving arms of our heavenly father so we know all who accept and know jesus as their lord and saviour all these people can take refuge in the lord we all rebel for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of god but we can put our trust in jesus we can walk daily with our lord and saviour we can be blessed by god for the rest of our lives here on earth and then we will be with our lord and saviour for eternity how good is that not going to get better than that speaking to karen recently about a happily ever after story what is your happy ever after story if you asked a child dressing up and being a princess that's not the boys by the way what is your happy ever after or happily ever after story what
[32:21] I've just said has to be it be blessed by God for the rest of our lives here on earth and then spend eternity with him that's certainly my happy ever after story we will see people we will see our loved ones that have gone before us where will we see them in glory with our Lord that's a happy ever after story then psalm 2 reminds me that Jesus came to this earth and rulers and nations plotted against him so much so that Jesus went to that cross he went to that cross the kings the nations the rulers of that time thought that when
[33:34] Jesus was on that cross that they had won they thought they had won beat God they really did God had a perfect plan just like God has a perfect plan when Jesus hung on that cross in our place so that we could be reconciled to God he hung on that cross for you because he loves you he loves you but it didn't stop there you and I know that Jesus rose triumphantly from the grave he then ascended to heaven and he sits at
[34:46] God's right hand I don't know about you I can't wait to get to heaven to see God to see what he looks like meet Jesus we look forward God will bless everyone who takes refuge in him no more a rebel no more a rebel!
[35:30] but a follower of Jesus Christ that's what we want of our unsaved friends of our unsaved family we all have these people no more a rebel but a follower of Jesus Christ that's what we want that's what we want for all these people out that front door that's why we have the fun day that's why we do the kids club we want everybody to come in here and accept Jesus as their saviour so similar to a fortnight ago we have two options don't we in this psalm 2 we have two options we can kiss the sun we can take refuge in a risen saviour and we can live a life following the
[36:39] Lord or we can go our own way going against God going the way of the rulers the nations and ultimately facing destruction so what way are you going to go this morning are you right with God God loves you far more than you can ever imagine so be encouraged yesterday as I was doing my quiet time I'm going to finish on this I've been blessed all this week studying Sam too but yesterday in my quiet time
[37:43] I read Ephesians 1 3 to 5 have a look when you get home and something that hit me yesterday was just a phrase that's all it was you can walk through the peaks and valleys of this life with the assurance that you are loved by the one who made all things and directs all things this is a good bit and that because you never had to win his love you can never lose it because you never had to win his love you can never lose it that's reassurance too let's pray our gracious and loving heavenly father again we thank you for scripture for your holy word we thank you for this psalm and we thank you for what it teaches us you lord are in control not the rebels not the nations not the kings you are in control lord so we thank you this morning we want to kiss the son to kiss
[39:41] Jesus and tell him that we love him in Jesus precious name amen let's sing again together breathe on me breath of God fill me in you that I may love what thou dost love and do what thou would do let's stand as we close the service!
[40:20] love love! love! love!!! breathe Fill me with life anew, that I may love what Thou dost love, and do what Thou wouldst do.
[40:52] Bring on Thee breath of God, until my heart is pure, until with Thee I will, the one will, to do and to endure.
[41:17] Now to Him who is able to do far more, abundantly, than all we can ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to Him be glory in the Church, and in Christ Jesus, throughout all generations, forever and ever.
[41:43] And God's children said, Amen.