Grace Alone: Ephesians 2v1-10

Glorious Salvation - Part 3


Jonny Grant

May 21, 2017



Glorious Salvation\r\n- Grace Alone: Ephesians 2v1-10 (page 1174)\r\n\r\nConditional or Unconditional?\r\n\r\n\'Red\' Bull Grace\r\n\r\nSaving Grace\r\n‘Salvation is according to scripture alone, in Christ alone, by Grace alone through Faith alone to the Glory of God alone.’\r\n\r\n‘God does not give something other than himself; in his grace he unties us to his Son by his Spirit that we might share the life and righteousness of the Son. Instead of handing out some enabling blessing, Christ makes himself ours, and so totally that we may plead what is his as ours.’ Tim Chester\r\n\r\n1. Dead without Grace\r\n- Dead in Sin\r\n Follow the way of the world\r\n Follow the way of Satan\r\n Follow our own desires\r\n- Objects of Wrath\r\n\r\n2. Saved by Grace\r\n- Initiated by God\r\n‘The love of God does not find, but creates, that which is pleasing to him...\r\nRather than seeking it’s own good, the love of God flows forth and bestows good.\r\nTherefore sinners are attractive because they are loved; they are not loved because they\r\nare attractive.’ Martin Luther\r\n\r\n- United to Christ\r\n‘You are so cemented to Christ that he and you are as one person, which cannot be separated but remains attached to him forever and declares: ‘I am as Christ.’ And Christ, in turn says: ‘I am as that sinner who is attached to Me and I to Him. For we are joined together into one flesh and bone.’ Martin Luther\r\n\r\n Made alive with Christ\r\n Raised with Christ\r\n Seated with Christ\r\n\r\n3. Living Under Grace\r\n- New Status\r\n- New Service\r\n‘They try to do good of themselves in order that they might stand before God clothed in their own virtues and merits. But this is impossible. Among us you were one who held this opinion, or rather error. So was I, and I am still fighting against the error without having conquered it as yet.\r\nTherefore, my dear brother, learn Christ and him crucified. Learn to pray to him and, despairing of your self say: ‘Thou, Lord Jesus, are my righteousness, but I am thy sin. Thou hast taken upon thyself what is mine and has given to me what is thine. Thou hast taken upon thyself what thou wast not and hast given to me what I was not.’

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