[0:01] Today, we reflect on Jesus' charge to love God and to love your neighbour as yourself, in the light of his visit to the home of Martha and Mary. We'll try to appreciate how to overcome barriers in achieving that.
[0:16] Being a good neighbour takes time and hurry is a major distraction. Being a good neighbour requires trust and humility. It requires a letting go of self.
[0:28] Let's pray. Lord God, guide us by your Spirit, that we may be open to hear your voice to us today. Speak to us in our own circumstances and encourage us, we pray.
[0:44] For Jesus' sake. Amen. Martha had opened her home to Jesus and his followers as they were on their way to Jerusalem.
[0:54] We can be open to our neighbours as we go about our daily lives. Open in our willingness to take time to stop and say hello or have a conversation.
[1:08] Martha was worried and upset about many things. She was busy with providing for her guests and only saw her own tasks. Mary sitting idly at Jesus' feet irritated her.
[1:21] We can be so busy or in so much of a hurry that we can fail to see others or see them busy apparently doing nothing. That can irritate us.
[1:34] Martha took out her irritation on Jesus. Don't you care that my sister has left me to do all the work by myself? We can take out our irritation on those close to us.
[1:46] Those we really should be spending time with. When we have invited people to stay or for a meal, we can get bogged down like Martha and fail to enjoy our guests' company.
[1:59] Been there, done that and I've got the t-shirt. Martha was so worried and upset with all the things she had to do that she was missing out on the one thing that would make a difference for her.
[2:12] We can be so worried and upset with all the things on our minds that have to be dealt with that we can miss out on the one thing that can make a difference for us.
[2:25] Jesus talks about this in the Sermon on the Mount and Luke mentions it again a little later in his Gospel. And do not set your heart on what you will eat and drink.
[2:36] Do not worry about it. Your Heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek His Kingdom and these things will be given to you as well. The one thing that is needed is what Mary chose.
[2:52] Relationship with Jesus. Learning about life in God's Kingdom. Mary chose to step away from her tasks to listen to Jesus.
[3:04] We can step away from our tasks to listen to our neighbours. We can follow Jesus' example of being interruptible. He was never too busy to hear a cry for help, to see someone looking for Him.
[3:20] The blind beggar who called out. The woman with bleeding who touched the fringe of His garment in the crowd. And many others who met Jesus face to face and were healed and forgiven.
[3:33] They found new life in their encounter. Mary chose to sit and listen to Jesus despite the disturbance it would cause.
[3:48] Sitting at the feet of the teacher and in the room allocated for men was definitely not the done thing. We can choose to sit and listen to Jesus. We can choose to sit and listen with our neighbours despite the disturbance it might cause.
[4:03] Crossing boundaries of attitude and culture requires patience and time. Taking a step across the normal boundaries of activity in our neighbourhood or workplace can be quite a challenge.
[4:16] It can feel like a no-go area. But Jesus affirmed Mary in her choice. And He will affirm us when we listen to Him carefully and put His teaching into practice.
[4:30] In Luke 8, Jesus says, Mary chose to sit and listen and hear what Jesus had to say about God's kingdom.
[4:57] We can listen to Him.
[5:27] We can listen to Him.
[5:57] We can listen to Him. Mary was prepared for her meeting with the risen Lord Jesus. She met Him in the garden on that first Easter morning.
[6:09] Jesus said to her, Mary. She turned towards Him and cried out in Aramaic, Rabboni, which means teacher. And she went to the disciples with the news, I have seen the Lord.
[6:23] Mary has chosen what is better, Jesus said, and it will not be taken away from her. Jesus shows us that there is a choice we can make.
[6:36] If, like Mary, we are intentional about learning from Jesus in order to put His teaching into practice, we will choose well. It will not be taken away from us.
[6:49] And we will be prepared to love and serve both Christ and our neighbours. We are Easter people. Let us sit and listen and learn from Jesus, for He is alive and active in the world today.
[7:07] Alleluia. Let's pray. Lord Jesus, help us to choose to take time to learn from You each day.
[7:20] In the busyness of life, give us space to see You in our neighbours. In the challenges of life, give us neighbours who see You in us.
[7:32] In every situation of life, we look to You as guide. Amen.