The Christmas Story is Deep and High, Eternal and Timely

Christmas 2021 - Part 3

Dec. 25, 2021



  1. I am grateful that the Christmas stories are deep and high, eternal and timely, thick and light.

  2. I am grateful that the "ultimate" is not a solitary tyrant or an impersonal all/energy/cause, but is the three personal God.

  3. I am grateful that humanity is not an irrelevant accident, but created by the Triune God.

  4. I am grateful that evil is not ultimate - it is doomed.

  5. I am grateful that the true and living God is life and light, love and truth.

  6. I am grateful that God can act, has acted, and will act in history.

  7. I am grateful that He came to deliver me when I was His enemy.

  8. I am grateful that the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth.

  9. I am grateful that God's glory was seen first in a manger, and most fully in the crucified one.

  10. I am grateful that He led me to receive Him and that I am now His born again child of grace.

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