Trusting In Sorrow

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Tom Muir

Feb. 21, 2022



Bad things do happen to good people. Bad things happen to God's people and they may wonder, 'what is the purpose of my suffering?' How we cope with the bad things which may come to us is often a real test of our faith and our Christian character.

The book of Job shows us how a good man who experienced great sorrow and great suffering came, in the end, to a quiet acceptance that the Almighty God can be trusted even when Job could not understand the reason for his many problems.

In the beginning of the book of Job we learn that Job lost his great wealth and he suffered the loss of his family. Yet in the face of these calamities, and in the midst of his grief, he said "The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord" Job 1:21. What a testimony to Job's trust in God that he could sing in his sorrow words of praise to the Lord! But God knew Job — knew he was a man willing to sing to God out of the depths of sorrow because he knew his God would hold him up even when everything seemed against him. Job says in chapter 13:15 "Though he slay me, I will hope in him."


Dear Lord God, there are times in my life when I don't understand your ways with me and I confess I find it hard to trust you. Forgive my unbelief and strengthen my trust, as I know that you will never desert me. Amen.

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