
It's important for trees to remain anchored in the earth to receive vital nourishment, and a strong foundation from which to grow and flourish. In much the same way, it's essential for followers of Jesus Christ to remain anchored in the truth and foundation of our faith. We'll be exploring many of those key ideas over the coming weeks in our new sermon series Rooted.""


Rooted: The Bible

Psalm 1:1-150:6
John 3:16
10th September 2023

Rooted: Prayer

Exodus 32:12-14
Psalm 1:1-150:6
1st October 2023

Rooted: Baptism & Communion

Matthew 28:19-20
John 4:1-2
15th October 2023

Rooted: Jesus Christ

Exodus 3:14
Matthew 1:18
29th October 2023