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Yet Another Sermon Host Knowledge Base

Customise your home page

Learn how to customise your home page - just show the default list of sermons, or something more custom like a few pictures, an introduction, you most recent morning and most recent evening services. It's all up to you!

Set up

  • Go to your church settings switch on the "Enable Custom Home Page" setting (don't forget to save)
  • Side note - if you have had your account for a while, you may be on one of our older (Classic) themes - you should upgrade to a "Modern" one to take full advantage of the latest updates. You can upgrade by visiting the Theme Settings
  • Go to the Church Home Page settings
  • Upgrade to V2 if you are still on V1
  • Start adding content!

How it works

We have a super simple web page editor: you have a number of blocks (see below) that you can add to the page to make it suit you needs.

You can see what the editor looks like here:


You can add any number of new blocks:

New Blocks

You can make more complicated layouts by splitting a row into two columns, each column can then have any number of blocks inside it:

Two Column Example

Available Blocks

Name Description Configuration Options
Content Any free form content, e.g. an introduction to your church Free form content
Heading A heading to divide up your page Heading text, centered toggle
Image An image of your choice Image
Divider A simple divider to break up the page -
Split Row This let's you split the page into two vertical sections. You can then add blocks to each section. On mobile, the columns are reduced to a single column. Ohter blocks
Recent Series Show a horizontally scrolling list of the most recent series -
Sermon from Preacher Show the most recent sermon from a chosen preacher Preacher
Sermon from Series Show the most recent sermon from a chosen series Series
Sermon from Meeting Show the most recent sermon from a chosen meeting Meeting
Playlist Display playlist & its sermons Playlist


Example Home Page
Example Home Page

Something missing? Need some help? Or just have a question?

Please reach out - you can drop an email to or click on the green chat icon to the right. We're more than happy to help!